Table 2.
SCT Symptoms with Convergent Validity on the SCT Factor and Discriminant Validity with the ADHD-Inattention Factor
1. My mind feels like it is in a fog |
2. I stare off into space |
3. I feel sleepy or drowsy during the day |
4. I daydream |
5. I lose my train of thought |
6. I get lost in my own thoughts |
7. I get tired easily |
8. I forget what I am going to say |
9. I feel confused |
10. I zone or space out |
11. My mind gets mixed up |
12. My thinking seems slow or slowed down |
13. I have a hard time putting my thoughts into words |
Note. The sluggish cognitive tempo item “I am slow at doing things” had a low (< .50) loading on the SCT factor and a high (> .30) loading on the ADHD-IN factor. The sluggish cognitive tempo item “I am not very active” had a low (< .38) loading on the SCT factor. Given the lack of validity for these two items, these two items were not used to define the SCT construct. ADHD-IN = attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder-inattention; SCT = sluggish cognitive tempo.