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. 2020 Feb 7;40(2):BSR20193087. doi: 10.1042/BSR20193087

Table 3. Univariate and multivariate analyses on the overall survival of 102 cases of ovarian cancer.

Univariate analysis Multivariate analysis
HR P > |z| 95% CI HR P > |z| 95% CI
SPAG5 expression
  High versus low 4.61 0.001* 2.511–8.454 3.05 0.001* 1.547–6.031
Age (years)
  ≥60 versus <60 1.26 0.412 0.723–2.204
Tumour size (cm)
  >5 versus ≤5 2.30 0.055 0.984–5.372
Histological type
  Serous versus mucinous versus
Endometroid versus clear cell
1.28 0.140 0.921–1.784
Pathological grade
Grade 1 and 2 versus Grade 3 0.62 0.022* 0.408–0.933 0.94 0.785 0.622–1.431
Lymph node metastasis
  Positive versus negative 3.62 0.001* 2.150–6.110 1.05 0.877 0.549–2.022
Distant metastasis
  Positive versus negative 4.56 0.001* 2.604–7.987 3.37 0.138 0.677–16.761
TNM stage
  Stage I versus Stage II versus Stage III
versus Stage Stage IV
0.25 0.001* 0.163–0.392 0.13 0.005* 0.031–0.543

P < 0.05