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. 2019 Dec 20;17(1):70–86. doi: 10.1007/s13311-019-00817-1

Table 4.

Delay discounting intervention ALE results

Anatomical region BA x y z ALE Volume (mm3)
L PCC/precuneus 23, 31 − 6 − 60 44 0.015 928*
L middle frontopolar gyrus 10 − 6 58 − 6 0.015 664*
L & R PCC/precuneus 23, 31 − 4 − 54 18 0.012 656*
L STG 22 − 54 − 8 − 14 0.011 592*
L MTG/angular gyrus 37, 39 − 52 − 70 26 0.013 528
L vmPFC, subgenual ACC 10, 11 − 6 42 − 14 0.010 272

BA = Brodmann area; PCC = posterior cingulate cortex, vmPFC = ventromedial prefrontal cortex, STG = superior temporal gyrus, MTG = middle temporal gyrus, ACC = anterior cingulate cortex

*Exceeds the cluster correction threshold pFWE < 0.05. Coordinates in MNI space