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. 2020 Feb 8;21:87. doi: 10.1186/s12891-020-3095-x

Table 1.

Summary of the Eligible Studies

Author (Year) Methods Participants Measurement Findings
Weiss et al (2006) [6]

Design: Case report

Brace Type: Lordosing spinal orthosis

Trade name: Physiologic

Material: Polyethylene

Proposed MOA: Sagittal re-alignment brace that has a lordosing action in the lumbar spine

Additional treatment: NA

Region: Germany

Sample size: 1

Age: 47

Sex: 1 Female

Diagnosis: Degenerative

Scoliosis Parameters: 55° Lumbar scoliosis

Co-morbid Illness: Grade II spinal claudication

Prescribed Brace Wear: NA

Primary outcome: VPRS

Secondary outcome: Walking distance

Number of F/U points: 3

Length of F/U:

T1 = 2 days

T2 = 10 days

T3 = 8 weeks

Main finding: Reduction of 1 point on the VPRS after 10 days that remained stable at 8 weeks

Additional findings: Increase in walking distance from 800 to 8000 at T1, then 8000 to 12,000 at T2. Improvements maintained at T3.

Statistical significance: NA

Brace compliance: NA

Harms associated with bracing: NA

Weiss et al (2006) [29]

Design: Prospective cohort study

Brace type: Lordosing spinal orthosis

Trade name: Physiologic

Material: Polyethylene

Proposed MOA: Sagittal re-alignment brace that has a lordosing action in the lumbar spine

Additional treatment: NA

Region: Germany

Sample size: 29

Age: 41 years (SD = 21)

Sex: 29 Females

Diagnosis: Scoliosis

Scoliosis Parameters: 37° (SD = 22)

Co-morbid Illness: NA

Prescribed Brace Wear: Minimum prescription of 8 h per day for 7.5 months (SD = 5.6)

Primary outcome: Roland Morris verbal rating scale (0–5 point scale)

Secondary outcome: NA

Number of F/U: 2

Length of F/U:

T1 = ≤1 week

T2 = > 6 months (Avg = 7.5 months)

Main finding: A significant reduction in Roland Morris VRS between T0 and T1. Smaller but non-significant reduction in scores between T0 and T2

Additional findings: NA

Statistical significance: Wilcoxon Test (p < 0.001)

Brace compliance: Poor. Compliance lost in the majority of patients at the time of the follow-up period. Only 7 patients reported wearing the brace for > 4 h at the T2

Harms associated with bracing: NA

Weiss et al (2009) [30]

Design: Prospective cohort study

Brace type: Lordosing spinal orthosis

Trade name: Physiologic

Material: Polyethylene

Proposed MOA: Sagittal re-alignment brace that has a lordosing action in the lumbar spine

Additional treatment: NA

Region: Germany

Sample size: 56

Age: NA

Sex: Males and females

Diagnosis: Idiopathic = 48, congenital = 2, de novo degenerative = 3, other = 3 with chronic lower back pain

Scoliosis Parameters: 41° (Range = 10–91)

Co-morbid Illness: NA

Prescribed Brace Wear: 20 h per day for 6 months then on a case-by-case basis after that point

Primary outcome: Roland Morris verbal rating scale (0–5 point scale)

Secondary outcome: progression to surgery for chronic lower back pain

Number of F/U: 2

Length of F/U:

T1 = ≤1 week

T2 = average of 18 months

Main finding: Reduction of Roland Morris scores of 3.3 to 2.7 at T1, then 2.7 to 2.0 at T2

Additional findings: 21 patients were able to completely remove the brace after 6 months due to the alleviation of pain

Statistical significance: Wilcoxon Test (p < 0.05)

Brace compliance: NA

Harms associated with bracing: NA

De Mauroy et al (2011) [19]

Design: Retrospective cohort study

Brace type: Rigid polyethylene bi-valve overlapped lumbar brace

Trade name: Lyon brace

Material: High density polyethylene

Proposed MOA: Rebalancing of the spine in the frontal and sagittal plane

Additional treatment: plaster cast (3 weeks), physiotherapy (3 weeks)

Region: France

Sample size: 33

Age: 59.9 (SD = 10.8) [Range 33–77]

Sex: 30 females, 3 males

Diagnosis: Adult scoliosis (lumbar or thoracolumbar)

Scoliosis Parameters: 37° SD = 18 (Range 10–75)

Co-morbid Illness: NA

Prescribed Brace Wear: Recommended > 4 h per day

Primary outcome: Coronal Cobb angle

Secondary outcome: coronal and sagittal balance, rib hump (millimetres)

Number of F/U: 3

Length of F/U:

T1 = 6 months

T2 = 2 years

T3 = ≥5 years

Main finding: Cobb angle increased by > 5° in 5 patients, remained stable in 15 patients and decreased in 12 patients

Additional findings: Secondary outcomes remained stable in 17 patients, improved in 12 patients and worsened in 2 patients

Some patients were able to cease wearing the brace due to a complete abolishment of their symptoms.

Statistical significance: Summary statistics only

Brace compliance: 60% of patients were still wearing the brace for an average of 5 h per day at T3. Brace wear ranged from 2 to 23 h per day.

Harms associated with bracing: NA

Gallo (2014) [27]

Design: Case reports

Brace type: Rigid TLSO

Trade name: SBrace L

Material: NA

Proposed MOA: Restoring coronal or sagittal alignment according to the presenting features, tailored brace

Additional treatment: Physiotherapy

Region: NA

Sample size: 2

Age: Case 1 = 65, Case 2 = NA

Sex: 2 Females

Diagnosis: Degenerative scoliosis

Scoliosis Parameters: NA

Co-morbid Illness: NA

Prescribed Brace Wear: Determined by the patient

Primary outcome: VAS and NPRS

Secondary outcome: QOL and activity restriction

Number of F/U: NA

Length of F/U: NA

Main finding:

Case 1: Reduction of 8/10 to 3/10 pain, 3/10 function up to 8/10 function

Case 2: Reduction of 6 points in the VAS scale

Additional findings:

Case 2: Increased mobility noted

Statistical significance: NA

Brace compliance: NA

Harms associated with bracing: NA

Weiss et al (2016) [26]

Design: Case report

Brace type: Rigid TLSO

Trade Name: Gensingen

Material: NA

Proposed MOA: Restoring coronal or sagittal alignment according to the presenting features, tailored brace

Additional treatment: Scoliosis specific exercise (Schroth 20–60 min per day) [Tailored], off the shelf TLSO on occasion

Region: Germany

Sample size: 1

Age: 37

Sex: Female

Diagnosis: Late Onset idiopathic scoliosis

Scoliosis Parameters: 56° thoracic curve and a 50° lumbar curve

Co-morbid Illness: NA

Prescribed Brace Wear: 3–4 h per day for three days per week

Primary outcome: VAS

Secondary outcome: Self-perceived QOL and Cobb angle

Number of F/U: 2

Length of F/U:

T1 = 12 months

T2 = 16 months

Main finding: Lower back pain relieved. Only felt during heavy lifting

Additional findings: Lumbar Cobb angle reduced from 50° to 32°

Statistical significance: NA

Brace compliance: NA

Harms associated with bracing: NA

De Mauroy et al (2016) [20]

Design: Prospective cohort study

Brace type: Rigid TLSO (rigid lordosing bivalve polyethylene overlapping brace

Trade name: Lyon Brace

Material: Polyethylene

Proposed MOA: Disk protection and a three-dimensional re-equilibration of the spine

Additional treatment: Specific physiotherapy

Region: France

Sample size: 158

Age: 56.08 (SD = 17.35)

Sex: 144 females, 14 males

Diagnosis: Adult scoliosis (lumbar or thoracolumbar)

Scoliosis Parameters: 39.6 (SD = 16.76)

Co-morbid Illness: NA

Prescribed Brace Wear: 3 weeks of plaster cast, followed by 4 h of bracing each day for 6 months

Primary outcome: Coronal Cobb angle, coronal and sagittal balance, rib hump (millimetres)

Secondary outcome: NA

Number of F/U: 1

Length of F/U:

T1 = 8.41 years (SD = 3.26) [Range 5–17 years]

Main finding: No significant change to coronal Cobb angle. 56% remained stable, 24% improved by > 5°, 20% worsened by > 5°

Additional findings: No significant change to rib hump. Sagittal balance worsened on average

Statistical significance: T-test (p = 0.008)

Brace compliance: 23% were non-compliant with the prescribed brace wear hours

Harms associated with bracing: No adverse events associated with bracing.

Polastri et al (2017) [27]

Design: Case report

Brace Type: Modified off the shelf brace

Trade Name: NA

Material: Elastic

Proposed MOA: Create coronal shifting force towards concavity of the curve

Additional Treatment: NA

Region: Italy

Sample size: 1

Age: 40

Sex: Female

Diagnosis: Progressive AIS in an adult

Scoliosis Parameters: 22° lumbar curve

Co-morbid Illness: NA

Prescribed Brace Wear: NA

Primary outcome: NPRS and QPDS

Secondary outcome: NA

Number of F/U: 6

Length of F/U:

T1 = 1 month

T2 = 5 months

T3 = 7 months

T4 = 9 months

T5 = 12 months

T6 = 24 months

Main finding: The NPRS reduced from 8.5 at T0 to 2.0 at T6. The QPDS reduced from 43 at T0 down to 15 at T6.

Additional findings: NA

Statistical significance: NA

Brace compliance: Patient adhered to the prescribed treatment and it was well tolerated, and the patient was comfortable with the use of the orthosis.

Harms associated with bracing: No adverse events reported.

Palazzo et al (2017) [28]

Design: Retrospective cohort study

Brace Type: Rigid TLSO

Trade Name: Vesinet

Material: Plastic

Proposed MOA: NA

Additional Treatment: NA

Region: France

Sample size: 38

Age: 61.3 (SD = 8.2)

Sex: Female

Diagnosis: 9 progressive idiopathic scoliosis, 29 degenerative scoliosis

Scoliosis Parameters: 49.6° (SD = 17.7)

Co-morbid Illness: NA

Prescribed Brace Wear: Recommended > 6 h per day

Primary outcome: Coronal Cobb angle

Secondary outcome: NA

Number of F/U: 1

Length of F/U:

T1 = ≥5 years

Main finding: The rate of curve progression reduced from 1.28° (SD = 0.79) at T0 to 0.21° (SD = 0.43) at T1

Additional findings: NA

Statistical significance: Linear mixed-effects regression (p < 0.001)

Brace compliance: 4/38 patients did not wear the brace for the prescribed hours each day

Harms associated with bracing: NA

Zaina et al (2018) [21]

Design: Pilot Prospective Cohort Study

Brace Type: Soft TLSO

Trade Name: Peak Scoliosis Brace

Material: Fabric, elastic, plastic

Proposed MOA: designed to alleviate chronic pain secondary to scoliosis in adults

Additional Treatment: NA

Region: Italy

Sample size: 20

Age: 67.8 (SD = 10.5)

Sex: Female

Diagnosis: Idiopathic or degenerative scoliosis < 30°

Scoliosis Parameters: 61.9° (SD = 12.6)

Co-morbid Illness: 3 patients had osteoporosis

Prescribed Brace Wear: 2–4 h per day

Primary outcome: Graphical rating scale

Secondary outcome: Roland Morris questionnaire, Core outcome measurement index, Oswestry disability index.

Number of F/U: 1

Length of F/U:

T1 = 4 weeks

Main finding: Worst pain, back pain, and leg pain significantly improved from 7.15 to 5.85, from 6.55 to 5.25, and from 5.65 to 3.55, respectively at T1

Additional findings: All other measures showed statistically significant improvement at T1 except the Oswestry disability index scores which remained stable at T1

Statistical significance: Paired t-test (p < 0.05) for the primary outcome

Brace compliance: All patients were compliant with the prescribed hours of brace wear

Harms associated with bracing: All but one patient reported satisfaction with the brace saying they felt more supported

Avg Average, F/U Follow-up, MOA Mechanism of Action, NPRS Numerical pain rating scale, QOL Quality of life, Quebec Pain and Disability Scale, SD Standard Deviation, T0 Baseline, T[X] = Follow-up point [X] e.g. T3 Follow-up point 3, TLSO Thoracolumbosacral orthosis, VAS Visual analogue scale, VPRS Verbal pain rating scale, ° = Degrees (Cobb angle)