a, Numbers of predicted degradative (gray) and non-degradative (red) ubiquitylation events for all proteins exhibiting basal (left) or TCR-induced (right) ubiquitylation in CD4+ T cells rested or restimulated for 4 h with CD3 + CD28 antibody-coated beads (3:1 cell/bead ratio). TCR-induced ubiquitylation produces a significantly higher proportion of non-degradative ubiquitylation events compared with basal ubiquitylation (P < 0.006) according to a two-tailed two-proportion test. b, Relative abundance of ubiquitin lysine peptides identified in the ubiquitin proteome of resting CD4+ T cells. Relative abundance is represented by the z-score of the peptide abundance quantified by mass spectrometry intensity values. c, The log2 fold change in abundance of ubiquitin lysine peptides identified in the ubiquitin proteome during TCR stimulation. b,c, Relative abundance and log2 fold changes are averaged for two di-glycine immunoprecipitation mass spectrometry experiments, as described in a.