Table 1.
Virus | Current classification | Isolate | Collection date | Country | Host | Accession numbers |
Cacao | Chilibre phlebovirus | VP-437R | April 12, 1970 | El Aguacate, Panama | Nyssomyia trapidoi* | MK330756-58 |
Caimito | Unclassified phlebovirus | VP-488A | January 21, 1971 | El Aguacate, Panama | Nyssomyia ylephiletor* | MK330759-61 |
Chilibre | Chilibre phlebovirus | VP-118D | September 29, 1969 | Canal Zone, Panama | Lutzomyia spp. | MK330762-64 |
Frijoles | Frijoles phlebovirus | VP-161A | November 24, 1969 | Canal Zone, Panama | Lutzomyia spp. | MK330765-67 |
Icoaraci | Rift Valley fever phlebovirus | BeAn24262 | October 14, 1960 | Para, Brazil | Rodent | MK330768-70 |
Itaporanga | Unclassified phlebovirus | original | March 4, 1962 | Itaporanga, Brazil | Sentinel mouse | MK330771-73 |
Rio Grande | Unclassified phlebovirus | TBM3-204 | May 12, 1973 | Texas, United States | Neotoma micropus | MK330774–75, MN517122 |
* Classified as Lutzomyia species at the time of isolation.