Fusarium virguliforme Pathogen Assays on Soybean and Maize.
(A) Plant growth and development of soybean and maize 14 DAI with F. virguliforme. Representative images show uninoculated (Mock) and F. virguliforme-inoculated (Inoc) plants. Bar = 4 cm.
(B) Trypan blue staining of inoculation sites on soybean cv Sloan and maize cv E13022S roots either inoculated with F. virguliforme or mock inoculated. Bars = 16 mm. Arrows point to areas of fungal growth and development; asterisks highlight appressoria-like structures.
(C) The percentage of unique RNA-seq reads aligned to F. virguliforme genome v2. Reads were trimmed by Trimmomatic v0.33 and aligned to Fusarium virguliforme genome v2 with HISAT2 v2.1.0. Each sample is indicated by a colored dot, and lines represent the mean of three biological replicates. Gray shade indicates SEM.