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. 2020 Jan 10;18(1):e05943. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2020.5943

Table 1.

Structure of outcome table (for details on the data, see Tables 9, 10, 11, 12, 1314) with an example of a hazard from electrical stunning

Hazard Welfare consequence/s occurring to the rabbits due to the hazard Hazard origin/s Hazard origin specification Preventive measure/s of hazards (implementation of SOP) Corrective measure/s of the hazards

Poor electrical contact

(see Section

Consciousness, pain, fear Staff, equipment Lack of skilled operators, staff fatigue; incorrect placement of the electrodes; poorly designed and maintained equipment; intermittent contact, thickness of fur Staff training; staff rotation; ensure correct presentation of the rabbits, ensure correct maintenance of the equipment; ensure the equipment includes electrodes for different sized animals; ensure continuous contact between the electrodes and the rabbits None
Welfare indicators: (to assess the identified welfare consequences)