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. 2019 Jan 31;17(1):e05570. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2019.5570
ADI 0.06 mg/kg bw per day (EFSA, 2008a)
Highest IEDI, according to EFSA PRIMo

Scenario EU1 (without risk mitigation measures): 6% ADI (WHO cluster diet B)

Scenario EU2 (with risk mitigation measures): 6% ADI (WHO cluster diet B)

Assumptions made for the calculations

Scenario EU1 (without risk mitigation measures): The calculation is based on the median residue levels in the raw agricultural commodities, except for citrus fruits and cucurbits with inedible peel where the relevant peeling factors were applied

For those commodities where data were insufficient to derive an MRL, EFSA considered the existing EU MRL for an indicative calculation

The contributions of commodities where no GAP was reported in the framework of this review were not included in the calculation

Scenario EU2 (with risk mitigation measures): The EU MRL for escaroles was disregarded (assuming that the authorisation for this crop will be withdrawn)

ARfD 0.08 mg/kg bw (EFSA, 2008a)
Highest IESTI, according to EFSA PRIMo

Scenario EU1 (without risk mitigation measures): 109% ARfD (escarole)

Scenario EU2 (with risk mitigation measures): 76% ARfD (cucumbers)

Assumptions made for the calculations

Scenario EU1 (without risk mitigation measures): The calculation is based on the highest residue levels in the raw agricultural commodities, except for citrus fruits and cucurbits with inedible peel where the relevant peeling factors were applied

For those commodities where data were insufficient to derive an MRL, EFSA considered the existing EU MRL for an indicative calculation

Scenario EU2 (with risk mitigation measures): The EU MRL for escaroles was disregarded (assuming that the authorisation for this crop will be withdrawn)

ADI: acceptable daily intake; bw: body weight; IEDI: international estimated daily intake; PRIMo: (EFSA) Pesticide Residues Intake Model; WHO: World Health Organization; ARfD: acute reference dose; IESTI: international estimated short‐term intake; CXL: codex maximum residue limit; MRL: maximum residue level.