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. 2019 Jan 31;17(1):e05570. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2019.5570
Code number Commodity Existing EU MRL (mg/kg) Existing CXL (mg/kg) Outcome of the review
MRL (mg/kg) Comment
Enforcement residue definition: imidacloprid
110010 Grapefruit 1 1 0.9 Further consideration neededa
110020 Oranges 1 1 0.9 Further consideration neededa
110030 Lemons 1 1 0.9 Further consideration neededa
110040 Limes 1 1 0.9 Further consideration neededa
110050 Mandarins 1 1 0.9 Further consideration neededa
120010 Almonds 0.05* 0.01 Further consideration neededb
120020 Brazil nuts 0.05* 0.01 Further consideration neededb
120030 Cashew nuts 0.05* 0.01 Further consideration neededb
120040 Chestnuts 0.05* 0.01 Further consideration neededb
120050 Coconuts 0.05* 0.01 Further consideration neededb
120060 Hazelnuts 0.05* 0.01 Further consideration neededb
120070 Macadamia 0.05* 0.01 Further consideration neededb
120080 Pecans 0.05* 0.01 0.02* Recommendedc
120090 Pine nuts 0.05* 0.01 Further consideration neededb
120100 Pistachios 0.05* 0.01 Further consideration neededb
120110 Walnuts 0.05* 0.01 Further consideration neededb
130010 Apples 0.5 0.5 Further consideration neededb
130020 Pears 0.5 1 Further consideration neededb
140010 Apricots 0.5 1.5 Further consideration neededb
140020 Cherries 0.5 4 Further consideration neededb
140030 Peaches 0.5 1.5 Further consideration neededb
140040 Plums 0.3 1.5 Further consideration neededb
151010 Table grapes 1 1 0.7 Further consideration neededa
151020 Wine grapes 1 1 0.7 Further consideration neededa
152000 Strawberries 0.5 0.5 Further consideration neededb
153010 Blackberries 5 5 Further consideration neededb
153020 Dewberries 5 5 Further consideration neededb
153030 Raspberries 5 5 Further consideration neededb
154010 Blueberries 5 5 5 Further consideration neededa
154020 Cranberries 0.05* 0.05* 5 Further consideration neededa
154030 Currants (red, black and white) 5 5 5 Further consideration neededd
154040 Gooseberries 5 5 5 Further consideration neededd
154050 Rose hips 5 5 5 Further consideration neededd
154060 Mulberries 5 5 5 Further consideration neededd
154070 Azarole (Mediterranean medlar) 0.05* 5 0.05 Further consideration neededd
154080 Elderberries 5 5 5 Further consideration neededd
161030 Table olives 0.5 2 Further consideration neededb
161040 Kumquats 0.05* 1 Further consideration neededb
163020 Bananas 0.05* 0.05 0.01* Recommendedc
163030 Mangoes 0.2 0.2 Further consideration neededb
163050 Pomegranate 1 1 1 Further consideration neededd
211000 Potatoes 0.5 0.5 Further consideration neededb
212010 Cassava 0.5 0.5 Further consideration neededb
212020 Sweet potatoes 0.5 0.5 Further consideration neededb
212030 Yams 0.5 0.5 Further consideration neededb
212040 Arrowroot 0.5 0.5 Further consideration neededb
213010 Beetroot 0.5 0.5 Further consideration neededb
213020 Carrots 0.5 0.5 Further consideration neededb
213030 Celeriac 0.5 0.5 Further consideration neededb
213040 Horseradish 0.5 0.5 Further consideration neededb
213050 Jerusalem artichokes 0.5 0.5 Further consideration neededb
213060 Parsnips 0.5 0.5 Further consideration neededb
213070 Parsley root 0.5 0.5 Further consideration neededb
213080 Radishes 0.5 0.5 Further consideration neededb
213090 Salsify 0.5 0.5 Further consideration neededb
213100 Swedes 0.5 0.5 Further consideration neededb
213110 Turnips 0.5 0.5 Further consideration neededb
220020 Onions 0.1 0.1 Further consideration neededb
231010 Tomatoes 0.5 0.5 0.3 Recommendedc
231020 Peppers 1 1 0.9 Recommendedc
231030 Aubergines (egg plants) 0.5 0.2 0.3 Recommendedc
231040 Okra, lady's fingers 0.5 0.5 Further consideration needede
232010 Cucumbers 1 1 0.5 Recommendedc
232020 Gherkins 0.5 0.4 Recommendedf
232030 Courgettes 1 1 0.4 Recommendedc
233010 Melons 0.5 0.2 0.15 Further consideration neededa
233020 Pumpkins 0.5 0.15 Further consideration needede
233030 Watermelons 0.2 0.2 0.15 Further consideration neededa
234000 Sweet corn 0.1 0.02* Further consideration neededb
241010 Broccoli 0.5 0.5 Further consideration neededb
241020 Cauliflower 0.5 0.5 Further consideration neededb
242010 Brussels sprouts 0.5 0.5 Further consideration neededb
242020 Head cabbage 0.5 0.5 Further consideration neededb
243020 Kale 0.3 5 Further consideration neededb
251010 Lamb's lettuce 2 2 Further consideration neededg
251020 Lettuce 2 2 2 Further consideration neededd
251030 Escarole (broad‐leaf endive) 1 Further consideration neededh
251040 Cress 2 2 Further consideration neededg
251050 Land cress 2 2 Further consideration neededg
251070 Red mustard 2 2 Further consideration neededg
251080 Leaves and sprouts of Brassica spp. 2 2 Further consideration neededg
256080 Basil 2 20 Further consideration neededb
260010 Beans (fresh, with pods) 2 2 5 Further consideration neededa
260020 Beans (fresh, without pods) 2 2 2 Further consideration neededa
260030 Peas (fresh, with pods) 5 5 5 Further consideration neededa
260040 Peas (fresh, without pods) 2 2 2 Further consideration neededa
270030 Celery 2 6 Further consideration neededb
270060 Leek 0.05* 0.05* Further consideration neededb
300010 Beans (dry) 2 2 2 Further consideration neededa
300020 Lentils (dry) 2 2 Further consideration neededb
300030 Peas (dry) 2 2 Further consideration neededb
300040 Lupins (dry) 2 2 Further consideration neededb
401020 Peanuts 1 1 0.5 Further consideration neededa
401050 Sunflower seed 0.1 0.05* Further consideration neededb
401060 Rape seed 0.1 0.05* Further consideration neededb
401070 Soya bean 0.05* 3 Further consideration neededb
402010 Olives for oil production 1 2 Further consideration neededb
500010 Barley grain 0.1 0.05 Further consideration neededb
500020 Buckwheat grain 0.1 0.05 Further consideration neededb
500030 Maize grain 0.1 0.05 Further consideration neededb
500040 Millet grain 0.05* 0.05 Further consideration neededb
500050 Oats grain 0.1 0.05 Further consideration neededb
500060 Rice grain 1.5 0.05 Further consideration neededb
500070 Rye grain 0.1 0.05 Further consideration neededb
500080 Sorghum grain 0.05* 0.05 Further consideration neededb
500090 Wheat grain 0.1 0.05 Further consideration neededb
610000 Tea (dried leaves and stalks, fermented or otherwise of Camellia sinensis) 0.05* 50 Further consideration neededb
620000 Coffee beans 1 1 1 Further consideration neededa
700000 Hops (dried), including hop pellets and unconcentrated powder 10 10 15 Further consideration neededa
900010 Sugar beet (root) 0.5 0.5 Further consideration neededb
1011010 Swine muscle 0.1 0.1 0.03* Recommendedc
1011020 Swine fat (free of lean meat) 0.05* 0.1 0.03* Recommendedc
1011030 Swine liver 0.3 0.3 0.03* Recommendedc
1011040 Swine kidney 0.3 0.3 0.03* Recommendedc
1012010 Bovine muscle 0.1 0.1 0.03* Recommendedc
1012020 Bovine fat 0.05* 0.1 0.03* Recommendedc
1012030 Bovine liver 0.3 0.3 0.03* Recommendedc
1012040 Bovine kidney 0.3 0.3 0.03* Recommendedc
1013010 Sheep muscle 0.1 0.1 0.03* Recommendedc
1013020 Sheep fat 0.05* 0.1 0.03* Recommendedc
1013030 Sheep liver 0.3 0.3 0.03* Recommendedc
1013040 Sheep kidney 0.3 0.3 0.03* Recommendedc
1014010 Goat muscle 0.1 0.1 0.03* Recommendedc
1014020 Goat fat 0.05* 0.1 0.03* Recommendedc
1014030 Goat liver 0.3 0.3 0.03* Recommendedc
1014040 Goat kidney 0.3 0.3 0.03* Recommendedc
1015010 Horse muscle 0.1 0.1 0.03* Recommendedc
1015020 Horse fat 0.05* 0.1 0.03* Recommendedc
1015030 Horse liver 0.3 0.3 0.03* Recommendedc
1015040 Horse kidney 0.3 0.3 0.03* Recommendedc
1016010 Poultry muscle 0.05* 0.02 0.03* Recommendedc
1016020 Poultry fat 0.05* 0.02 0.03* Recommendedc
1016030 Poultry liver 0.05* 0.05 0.03* Recommendedc
1016040 Poultry kidney 0.05* 0.05 0.03* Recommendedc
1020010 Cattle milk 0.1 0.1 0.01* Recommendedc
1020020 Sheep milk 0.1 0.1 0.01* Recommendedc
1020030 Goat milk 0.1 0.1 0.01* Recommendedc
1020040 Horse milk 0.1 0.1 0.01* Recommendedc
1030000 Birds’ eggs 0.05* 0.02 0.03* Recommendedc
Other commodities of plant and animal origin Regulation (EU) No 491/2014 Further consideration neededi

MRL: maximum residue level; GAP: Good Agricultural Practice; CXL: codex maximum residue limit.

* Indicates that the MRL is set at the limit of quantification.


Tentative MRL is derived from a GAP evaluated at EU level, which is not fully supported by data but for which no risk to consumers was identified (assuming the existing residue definition); CXL is not compatible with EU residue definitions (combination E‐II in Appendix E).


There are no relevant INDOOR authorisations or import tolerances reported at EU level; CXL is not compatible with EU residue definitions. Either a specific LOQ or the default MRL of 0.01 mg/kg may be considered (combination A‐II in Appendix E).


MRL is derived from a GAP evaluated at EU level, which is fully supported by data and for which no risk to consumers is identified; CXL is not compatible with EU residue definitions (combination G‐II in Appendix E).


GAP evaluated at EU level is not supported by data but no risk to consumers was identified for the existing EU MRL (also assuming the existing residue definition); CXL is not compatible with EU residue definitions (combination C‐II in Appendix E).


Tentative MRL is derived from a GAP evaluated at EU level, which is not fully supported by data but for which no risk to consumers was identified (assuming the existing residue definition); no CXL is available (combination E‐I in Appendix E).


MRL is derived from a GAP evaluated at EU level, which is fully supported by data and for which no risk to consumers is identified; no CXL is available (combination G‐I in Appendix E).


GAP evaluated at EU level is not supported by data but no risk to consumers was identified for the existing EU MRL (also assuming the existing residue definition); no CXL is available (combination C‐I in Appendix E).


GAP evaluated at EU level is not supported by data and a risk to consumers cannot be excluded for the existing EU MRL; no CXL is available. Either a specific LOQ or the default MRL of 0.01 mg/kg may be considered (combination B‐I in Appendix E).


There are no relevant INDOOR authorisations or import tolerances reported at EU level; no CXL is available. Either a specific LOQ or the default MRL of 0.01 mg/kg may be considered (combination A‐I in Appendix E).