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. 2019 Jul 25;17(7):e05759. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2019.5759
Codea Commodity


EU MRL (mg/kg)


EU MRL (mg/kg)

Enforcement residue definition: Oxathiapiprolin



Table and wine grapes 0.7 No change The submitted data are sufficient to derive an MRL proposal for the authorised Chinese GAP which confirms the existing EU MRL. Risk to consumers unlikely. The MRL applicable in China is 1 mg/kg
0220010 Onions 0.01* 0.04

The submitted data are sufficient to derive an MRL proposal for the GAP authorised in the USA and Canada. Risk to consumers unlikely.

The MRLs applicable in the USA and Canada are 0.04 mg/kg for onions, garlic, shallots; 2 mg/kg for spring onions and 0.5 mg/kg for tomatoes

0220020 Garlic
0220030 Shallots
0220040 Spring onions 0.01* 2.0
0231010 Tomatoes 0.2 0.4
0231020 Sweet peppers/bell peppers 0.01* 0.2 The submitted data are sufficient to derive an MRL proposal for the GAP authorised in the USA and Canada and the intended EU indoor GAP. Risk to consumers unlikely. The MRL applicable in the USA and Canada is 0.5 mg/kg
0231030 Aubergines 0.2 0.4 The submitted data are sufficient to derive an MRL proposal for the GAP authorised in the USA and Canada. Risk to consumers unlikely. The MRLs applicable in the USA and Canada are 0.5 mg/kg
0231040 Okra/lady's fingers 0.01* 0.2





0.1 0.2 The submitted data are sufficient to derive an MRL proposal for the GAP authorised in the USA and Canada. Risk to consumers unlikely. The MRL applicable in the USA and Canada is 0.2 mg/kg
0232030 Courgettes 0.1 0.15 or 0.2 further risk management considerations needed The submitted data are sufficient to derive an MRL proposal for the GAP authorised in the USA and Canada of 0.15 mg/kg. As alternative option, the setting of a group MRL of 0.2 mg/kg can be considered. Risk to consumers unlikely. The MRL applicable in the USA and Canada is 0.2 mg/kg
0233010 Melons 0.15 0.2 The submitted data are sufficient to derive an MRL proposal for the GAP authorised in the USA and Canada. Risk to consumers unlikely. The MRLs applicable in the USA and Canada are 0.2 mg/kg
0233020 Pumpkins 0.01*
0233030 Watermelons 0.01*





0.01* 1.5 The submitted data are sufficient to derive an MRL proposal for the GAP authorised in the USA and Canada. Risk to consumers unlikely. The MRLs applicable in the USA and Canada are 1.5 mg/kg
0242010 Brussels sprouts 0.01* No proposal The submitted data are not sufficient to derive an MRL proposal for the GAP authorised in the USA and Canada
0242020 Head cabbage 0.01* 0.7 The submitted data are sufficient to derive an MRL proposal for the GAP authorised in the USA and Canada. Risk to consumers unlikely. The MRL applicable in the USA and Canada is 1.5 mg/kg








Lamb's lettuce



Land cresses


Red mustards

Baby leaf crops

0.01* 5 The submitted data are sufficient to derive an MRL proposal for the GAP authorised in the USA and Canada. Risk to consumers unlikely. The MRLs applicable in the USA and Canada are 15 mg/kg
0251020 Lettuces 0.3 5






Chards/beet leaves

0.01* 15 The submitted data are sufficient to derive an MRL proposal for the GAP authorised in the USA and Canada. Risk to consumers unlikely. The MRLs applicable in the USA and Canada are 15 mg/kg
0260030 Peas (with pods) 0.01* 1.0 The submitted data are sufficient to derive an MRL proposal for the GAP authorised in the USA and Canada. Risk to consumers unlikely. The MRL applicable in the USA and Canada is 1 mg/kg
0260040 Peas (without pods) 0.01* No proposal The submitted data are not sufficient to derive an MRL proposal for the GAP authorised in the USA and Canada
0270060 Leeks 0.01* 2 The submitted data on spring onions are sufficient to derive by extrapolation an MRL proposal for leek for the GAP authorised in the USA and Canada. Risk to consumers unlikely.The MRL applicable in the USA and Canada is 2 mg/kg.
0401050 Sunflower seeds 0.01* No change The submitted data confirm the existing EU MRL for the intended NEU/SEU use. Risk to consumers unlikely
0633020 Ginseng 0.05* 0.15 The submitted data are sufficient to derive an MRL proposal for the GAP authorised in the USA and Canada. Risk to consumers unlikely. The MRL applicable in the USA and Canada is 0.15 mg/kg
0700000 Hops 0.05* 8.0 The submitted data are sufficient to derive an MRL proposal for the intended NEU use. Risk to consumers unlikely

MRL: maximum residue level; GAP: Good Agricultural Practice; NEU: northern Europe; SEU: southern Europe.


Indicates that the MRL is set at the limit of analytical quantification (LOQ).


Commodity code number according to Annex I of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005.