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. 2018 Aug 16;16(8):e05367. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2018.5367

Table E.1.

Live weights, growth rate/productivity, dry matter intake for cattle, sheep, goats and horses, and the proportions of the diet as non‐forage

Animal species Live weight (kg) Growth rate or productivity Dry matter intake (kg/day) % of diet as non‐forage feed Reference
Dairy cows, lactatinga 650 40 kg milk/day 20.7 40 OECD (2009)
Fattening cattle: beefb 400 1 kg/day 9.6 15 AFRC (1993)
Fattening cattle: maize silage‐based ration 300 1.4 kg/day 6.6 25 Browne et al. (2004)
Fattening cattle: cereal straw‐based diet 300 0.9 kg/day 8.0 68 EBLEX (2008)
Fattening cattle: cereal beef 400 1.4 kg/day 10.0 85 EBLEX (2012)
Sheep: lactating 80 Feeding twin lambs 2.8 50 OECD (2009)
Goats: milking 60 6 kg milk/day 3.4 65 NRC (2007a)
Goats: fattening 40 0.3 kg/day 1.5 40 NRC (2007a)
Horses 450 Moderate activity 9.0 50 NRC (2007b)

Months 2–3 of lactation.


Housed castrate cattle, medium maturing breed.