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. 2018 Aug 16;16(8):e05367. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2018.5367

Table E.3.

Assumed inclusion rates (%) of feeds, for which information on levels of DAS are available, in the diets of ruminants and horses

Non‐forage feed materials Dairy cows Beef cattle Lactating sheep Lactating goats Fattening goats Horses
Wheat (%) 15 ni 14 ni ni ni
Barley (%) 20 40 18 25 20 ni
Oats (%) ni ni ni 35 40 40
Soybean meal (%) 5 ni 5 10 10 ni
% of non‐forage feeds in the diet 40 15 50 75 40 50

ni: not included in the diet formulations.