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. 2018 Dec 12;16(12):e05500. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2018.5500

Table 66.

Number of food‐borne (including waterborne) outbreaks, human cases, hospitalisations and deaths, per causative agents in the reporting Member States, EU, 2017

Type of agent Outbreaks Cases
Strong‐evidence outbreaks Weak‐evidence outbreaks Total outbreaks % of total Reporting rate per 100,000 Human cases Mean number per outbreak Hospitalised Deaths
n n n n n % of cases n % of cases
Bacteria Brucella 0 1 1 < 0.1 < 0.01 2 2.0 1 50.0 0 0
Campylobacter 33 362 395 7.8 0.08 1,445 3.7 207 14.3 1 0.1
Listeria 4 6 10 0.2 < 0.01 39 3.9 22 56.4 2 5.1
Salmonella 269 972 1,241 24.4 0.24 9,600 7.7 2,227 23.2 11 0.1
Shiga toxin‐producing E. coli (STEC) 9 39 48 0.9 0.01 260 5.4 65 25.0 2 0.8
Vibrio 0 3 3 0.1 < 0.01 59 19.7 7 11.9 0 0
Other bacterial agents/Unspecified 5 41 46 0.9 0.01 816 17.7 67 8.2 0 0
Subtotal 320 1,424 1,744 34.3 0.34 12,221 7.0 2,596 21.2 16 0.1
Bacterial toxins Clostridium botulinum 5 4 9 0.2 < 0.01 26 2.9 26 100.0 2 7.7
Other bacterial toxins 110 699 809 15.9 0.16 8,442 10.4 577 6.8 5 < 0.1
Subtotal 115 703 818 16.1 0.16 8,468 10.4 583 6.9 7 0.1
Viruses Norovirus and other caliciviruses 52 159 211 4.2 0.04 6,550 31.0 153 2.3 2 0
Hepatitis A 6 84 90 1.8 0.02 591 6.6 452 76.5 2 0.3
Other viruses/unspecified 12 85 97 1.9 0.02 1,379 14.2 107 7.8 0 0
Subtotal 70 328 398 7.8 0.08 8,520 21.4 712 8.4 4 < 0.1
Parasites Cryptosporidium 0 5 5 0.1 < 0.01 15 3.0 0 0.0 0 0
Trichinella 9 2 11 0.2 < 0.01 199 18.1 125 62.8 0 0
Other parasites/unspecified 0 13 13 0.3 < 0.01 28 2.2 1 3.6 0 0
Subtotal 9 20 29 0.6 0.01 242 8.3 126 52.1 0 0
Other causative agents Histamine 56 61 117 2.3 0.02 572 4.9 51 8.9 0 0
Marine biotoxins 17 37 54 1.1 0.01 170 3.1 14 8.2 0 0.0
Mushroom toxins 2 5 7 0.1 < 0.01 22 3.1 16 72.7 0 0
Other/Unspecified 0 3 3 0.1 < 0.01 6 2.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Subtotal 75 106 181 3.6 0.04 770 4.3 81 10.5 0 0
Unknown Unknown 54 1,828 1,882 37.1 0.37 12,794 6.8 423 3.3 6 < 0.1
Unspecified 0 27 27 0.5 0.01 385 14.3 20 5.2 0 0.0
Subtotal 54 1,855 1,909 37.6 0.37 13,179 6.9 443 3.4 6 < 0.1
Total (EU) 643 4,436 5,079 100.0 0.99 43,400 8.5 4,541 10.5 33 < 0.1

In Sweden, a large domestic campylobacteriosis outbreak continued in 2017 with hundreds of cases in 2017. As the outbreak had been reported in 2016 data, it was not repeatedly reported in 2017.

Other bacterial agents include Aeromonas hydrophila, enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC), Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), Enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC), Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC), Shigella flexneri, Shigella sonnei, Yersinia enterocolitica and other unspecified bacteria. Other bacterial toxins include toxins produced by Bacillus, Clostridium other than Clostridium botulinum and Staphylococcus and other unspecified bacterial toxins. Other viruses include adenovirus, flavivirus, hepatitis E virus, rotavirus and other unspecified viruses. Marine biotoxins include ciguatoxin and other unspecified toxins. Other toxins include scombrotoxin. Other parasites include Giardia and other unspecified parasites.

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