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. 2018 May 17;16(5):e05263. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2018.5263
GAPs for import tolerances (non‐European indoor, outdoor or post‐harvest treatments)
GAT genetically modified crops
Crop Region Outdoor/indoor Member state or country Pest controlled Formulation Application PHI or waiting period (days) Comments
Common name Scientific name Type Content Method Growth stage Number Interval (days) Rate
Conc. Unit From BBCH Until BBCH Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Unit
Rapeseeds Brassica napus subsp. napus non‐EU Outdoor CAN Broadleaf weeds and grasses SL 500.0 g/L Foliar treatment ‐ broadcast spraying 11 89 1 3 0.68 0.90 kg a.i./ha 7 Dessicant use (EFSA, 2013)
Soyabeans Glycine max non‐EU Outdoor USA Broadleaf weeds and grasses SL 500.0 g/L Foliar treatment ‐ spraying 8 99 1 4 0.82 3.33 kg a.i./ha 14

Maximum glyphosate per season: 6.77 kg a.i./ha

Dessicant use (EFSA, 2009)

Maize Zea mays non‐EU Outdoor USA Broadleaf weeds and grasses SL 600.0 g/L Foliar treatment ‐ spraying 7 99 1 4 0.87 4.10 kg a.i./ha 7

Maximum glyphosate per season: 6.77 kg a.i./ha

Dessicant use (EFSA, 2009)

GAP: Good Agricultural Practice; BBCH: growth stages of mono‐ and dicotyledonous plants; PHI: preharvest interval; NEU: northern European Union; SEU: southern European Union; a.i.: active ingredient.