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. 2018 Feb 23;16(2):e05125. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2018.5125

Table 30.

Exposure routes and the definition of the EREQs for individual juvenile or adult amphibians (SPG: negligible effects on mortality) in the terrestrial environment (in‐crop)

Exposure route Source/location EREQ Temporal dimension of EREQ* Remarks
Dermal exposure Direct Overspray Mass of substance deposited per individual amphibian divided by its body mass Maximum in relevant period of the year (i.e. when individual amphibians may be present in agricultural fields) Only important route if migration or other movement occurs during daytime
Soil Residues on soil surface Concentration dissolved in pore water of upper x cm soil or mass taken up by the individual amphibian Maximum in relevant period of the year Important route
Water in puddle on field Runoff from treated field Concentration in runoff water or mass taken up by the individual amphibian divided by its body mass) Maximum in relevant period of the year. If puddles are formed by runoff in the treated field, this route may be relevant
Plants Residues on plant leaves Dislodgeable foliar residue or mass taken up by the individual amphibian (expressed as mass per body mass) Maximum in relevant period of the year. May be important especially immediately after spray on low crops (e.g. early growth stages of cereals, all growth stages of salads)
Oral exposure Food (generally small arthropods) Daily mass of compound taken in by individual amphibians (mass per body mass) Maximum in relevant period of the year See Section 10 for importance of this route
Inhalation Air Inhalation exposure is expected to be a minor route compared to dermal and oral exposure

Annual exposure profile may be needed to predict effects by the use of TK‐TD modelling.