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. 2018 Mar 2;16(3):e05082. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2018.5082

Table 11.

Mean and 95th percentile (P95) moniliformin concentration in the diet of ruminants and horses derived from concentrations in individual feed materials and their relative proportions in their diets and the corresponding estimated exposure (μg/day and ng/kg bw per day)

Animal species (diet) LB/UB Diet concentration μg/kg dry matter Exposure μg/day Exposure ng/kg bw per day
P95 Mean P95 Mean P95 Mean
Dairy cows (grass‐based diet) LB 23 4.5 483 94 740 140
UB 25 9.9 518 205 800 320
Dairy cows (maize silage‐based diet)a LB 36 979 1,500
UB 37 1013 1,600
Beef cattle (grass silage‐based diet) LB 11 1.8 106 17 270 40
UB 11 4.5 106 43 270 110
Beef cattle (cereal‐based diet) LB 94 15 941 148 2,400 370
UB 94 38 941 383 2,400 960
Beef cattle (maize silage‐based diet)a LB 12 78 260
UB 16 102 340
Beef cattle (straw‐based diet)a LB 19 152 510
UB 50 396 1,300
Lactating sheep LB 27 5.2 75 15 1,200 180
UB 29 11 80 32 1,300 400
Lactating goats LB 15 9.7 52 33 860 550
UB 15 32 52 108 860 1,800
Horses LB 16 3.2 141 29 310 60
UB 34 14 307 122 680 270

LB: lower bound; UB: upper bound.


Insufficient samples were available to undertake 95th percentile exposure estimates

Rounded to the first or second decimal place or to a whole number.