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. 2018 Mar 2;16(3):e05082. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2018.5082

Table C.2.

Summary of dose–response analysis of acute toxicity data in female rats of Abbas et al. (1990)

Models Number of parameters Minus Log‐likelihood p‐value AIC LD50 LDL50 Comment
(mg/kg bw per day)
Full model 9 2.50 na 23.00 na na
Null (reduced) model 1 31.09 64.18 na na
Probit 2 2.50 1 9.00 18.71 14.09 Accepted
Logistic 2 2.50 1 9.00 19,32 14.09 Accepted
LogProbit 2 2.50 1 9.00 18.32 13.14 Accepted
LogLogistic 2 2.50 1 7.00 18.52 13.08 Accepted
Multistage No fit
Multistage Cancer 1 4.57 0.85 11.14 16.54 11.69 Accepted
Quantal‐Linear 1 8.32 0.17 18.63 14.04 8.80 Not accepted
Weibull No fit
Gamma No fit

BMD50: benchmark dose response of 50%; BMDL50: 95% lower confidence limit for the benchmark dose response (BMR) of 50%; bw: body weight; na: not available, including cases where the BMD/Ls were not calculated, the fit was incomplete, or serious or conflicting comments were noted (e.g. parameters reaching boundaries).

Note: The models with the lowest AIC among the accepted models and the model with the lowest LDL50 (corresponding to a BMDL50) are in bold.