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. 2017 Oct 16;15(10):e04991. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2017.4991

Table 8.

Probability of HPAI and LPAI introduction into a commercial poultry holding via non‐wild bird pathways, separating third country trade and intra‐EU movements (for brevity, some categories have been grouped; relevant explanation of the probability scores is reported in Appendix F and summarised in Sections

Pathway Third country trade Intra‐EU movements
Live birds, including birds as pets, bird of prey, pigeons or others Extreme unlikely Very unlikely
Live poultry (poultry for breeding or production (> 72 h old); day‐old chicks and hatching eggs) Extreme unlikely (live poultry and day‐old chicks); very unlikely (hatching eggs) Unlikely Unlikely (hatching eggs); Non‐negligible (live poultry and day‐old chicks)
Meat and eggs for human consumption Very unlikely Not relevant (meat); Very unlikely (eggs) Very unlikely Not relevant (meat); Very unlikely (eggs)
Semen Non‐negligible Not relevant Non‐negligible Not relevant
Feathers, skin and down Extreme unlikely Not relevant Very unlikely Not relevant
Feed Extreme unlikely (non‐negligiblea)
Bedding Extreme unlikely (non‐negligiblea)
Manure Not relevant Non‐negligible
Pharmaceuticals Extreme unlikely
Other animal by‐products Extreme unlikely Not relevant Extreme unlikely Not relevant

When the commodity is stored in way that wild birds can have access to it.