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. 2017 Aug 4;15(8):e04952. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2017.4952

Table 1.

Animal‐level prevalence of BVDV (seropositivity and persistent infection) in EU member states (reproduced from Table 6 of the EU Thematic network on control of bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) (2001))

Country/Region Study Period Sampling Frame Sampling Method Sample Size Prevalence (AB) Prevalence (Virus) Vaccination Reference
Herds Animals Herds Animals Herd level number (%) Animal level number (%) Herd level number (%) Animal level number (%)
Belgium S. Belgium, Belgium White Blue and Friesian Holstein Some herds suspicious or had poor diagnosis (42.5%) All animals in herd 61 9,685 61 (100) 6,344 (65.5) 27 (44.3) 73 (0.75) Some vaccination (not considered important) Schreiber et al. (1999)
Belgium 2009–2010 A cross‐sectional study Random Between 6 and 12 months 773 5,246 47.4 32.9 4.4 0.3 Some vaccination Sarrazin et al. (2013)
Denmark 1988 Jutland in Denmark; Dairy herds Representative NPE All per farm 19 2,570 19 (100) 1,655 (64.4) 10 (52.6) 35/28 (1.4/1.1) No Vaccination Houe and Meyling (1991)
Germany N. Germany. Breeding animals Exporting herds Pregnant NPE ˃ 1,000 2,317 21 (0.9 [viraemic]) Liess et al. (1987)
Germany 1993–1994 Lower Saxony NPE Up to 3 years 329 20,253 149 (45.3) 425 (2.1) Some vaccination Frey et al. (1996)
Hungary 2008–2012 Country wide, voluntary herd screening for BVDV or animal trade Country wide, voluntary herd screening for BVDV or animal trade Up to 2 years 3,247 570,524 12.4 Within herd: 7.2%, 0.89% for all animals in all herds Szabára et al. (2016)
Ireland 2009 Cross‐sectional study of a stratified random sample of 1,171 Irish dairy and beef cow herds Randomly constructed within‐herd serum pools 1,171 98.7 Not vaccinated herds Cowley et al. (2012)
Lithuania 1997–2001 27 regions Some suspect herds Some suspect herds 147 3,798 103 (70.1)** 2,211 (58.2) No Vaccination (Mockeliūnas et al., 2004)
The Netherlands 9 herds participating in BHV1 vaccination trial. ˃ 100 involved in international trade Random ˃ 100 1,798 1,169 (65) (Kramps et al., 1999)
Norway 1984–1986 Wide geographic representation. Norwegian Red cattle Representative NPE Random, ˃ 2 years 187 1,133 52 (28) 210 (18.5) No Vaccination (Løken et al., 1991)
Poland Bulls at artificial insemination centres ˃ 6 months old 175 150 (86) (Polak and Zmudzinski, 1999)
Poland Bulls at artificial insemination centres ˃ 6 months old 219 −5/2 (2.3/0.9) (Polak and Zmudzinski, 1999)
Poland Publication year 2015 Young beef Cattle on the farms examined in south‐eastern Poland Between 6 and 12 months old 15 78 6.41 3.85 Animals not vaccinated Wernicki et al. (2015)
Poland 2008–2011 Sampling in the frame of monitoring of classical swine fever 14,608 0.31 Lipowski (2014)
Scotland 1992–1993 S.W. Scotland breeding bulls on dairy, beef or mixed farms (5 bulls from dealers) Random 78 109 85 (78) McGowan and Murray (1999)
Slovakia 2000 6–12 months old Random 45 1,295 894 (69.0) Animals not vaccinated Vilcek et al. (2003)
Slovakia 2000 6–12 months old Herds with 70–98% seropositivity Random 13 462*** 6 (1.3) Animals not vaccinated Vilcek et al. (2003)
Slovenia 1996 5 regions breeding herds All animals in herd 274 6,892 1,144 Grom and Barlic‐Maganja (1999)
Spain 1997 Asturias region. Dairy herds Random/stratified NPE ˃ 1 year old. 20 herds; all animals. 8 herds; random 28 529 24 (86) 112 (21.1 [CI: 17.8‐24.6]) No vaccination Mainar‐Jaime et al. (2001)
Spain 2010–2014 Area of chamois in the Cantabrian Mountains, north‐Western Spain Sera samples from hunted wild life

Chamois: 78

Red deer: 65

Roe deer: 24

Chamois: 0

Red deer: 10.8

Roe deer: 0

Animals not vaccinated Fernández‐Aguilar et al. (2016)
Spain 2010–2014 Area of chamois in the Cantabrian Mountains, north‐Western Spain Sera samples from cattle, sheep and goats 10 animals per herd

Cattle: 13

Sheep: 8

Goats: 4

Cattle: 133

Sheep: 102

Goats: 37

Cattle: 100

Sheep: 25

Goats: 0

Cattle: 59.4

Sheep: 5.9

Goats: 0

Animals not vaccinated Fernández‐Aguilar et al. (2016)
Sweden 1987 County of Kopparberg. Dairy herds Random All lactating cows 15 413 11 (73) 190 (46) No Vaccination Niskanen et al. (1991)
Switzerland 1994–1995 Canton of St Gallen Random Cows and heifers (all) 95 2,892 95 2,421 Braun et al. (1997)
Switzerland 1995 Canton of St Gallen, 7 Alpine pastures. Swiss Braunvieh cattle. Dairy herds Invited by cantonal veterinary officer Animals prior to pasture; 98% were replacement cattle. NPE 149 990 627 (63.3) 9 (0.9) Braun et al. (1998)
Switzerland 1993–1994 Dairy herds Random (at least 5 cows) All cows 113 1,635 112 (99.1) 1,174 (72) Stärk et al. (1997)
United Kingdom 1974–1975 England and Wales 3 herds in each country 12 per herd representing a range of ages 133 1,593 988 (62) Harkness et al. (1978)
United Kingdom 1980–1985 Beef calves 2–4 months old. Cows 2–3 year old. Gnotobiotic calves. NPE 924 7/4 (0.8/0.4*) Howard et al. (1987)
United Kingdom 1985–1986 England and Wales Submissions of ˃ 10 samples to CVL 18,759 12,175 (64.9) Edwards et al. (1987)
United Kingdom 1986 Central Veterinary Laboratory Submissions of ˃ 10 samples to CVL 3,151 57 (1.8 viraemic) Cornish et al. (2016)
United Kingdom 2006–2007 Scotland Stratified random sampling design based on agricultural census data 301 16 Around 25% vaccination Brülisauer et al. (2010)

Note: Some numbers may have been calculated from percentages given in publications.

General legends and abbreviations in tables:

– Information not measured or applicable.

… Information not available in the paper.

NPE no past evidence, meaning that herds were not selected based on past evidence of infection (unknown BVD status).

AI artificial insemination centres.

BHV Bovine herpes virus.

* First number: Viraemic; Second number: Known to be PI.

** Not all animals in each herd are tested (i.e. herd prevalence is underestimated).

*** Only 84 antibody negative tested.