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. 2017 Mar 8;15(3):e04698. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2017.4698

Table 9.

Summary table of insecticides, type of application and the reported efficacy in the different studies

Active substance Commercial name Type of application Culicoides sp. Country Host Efficacy (in vitro semifield, field trials) Reference
Field testing
Permethrin Y Tectonik® 36 g/L; doses 10 mL/100 kg Pour‐on C. obsoletus, C. pulicaris Netherlands Horses 82% De Raat et al. (2008)
Tectonik 3.6% (1 ml/10 kg bodyweight, Virbac Animal Health) Pour‐on C. chiopterus and C. obsoletus Netherlands Sheep 50% Griffioen et al. (2011)
Deltamethrin Y 7.5% deltamethrin (Butox 7.5) Whole body Culicoides spp. Spain Sheep 100% Mullens et al. (2010)
10 mL of Butox® pour on (7.5 mg deltamethrin/mL, Intervet, France) Pour‐on Culicoides Avaritia subgenus Germany Sheep Reduced 86.4% of engorged females Weiher et al. (2014)
In vitro
0.0025% deltamethrin Exposure on impregnated paper Colony of C. nubeculosus, field‐collected C. obsoletus and C. imicola France 100% after 1 h exposure Venail et al. (2011, 2015)
0.001% of deltamethrin Exposure on impregnated paper Field‐collected C. obsoletus Spain 100% Del Rio et al. (2014a)
0.05% of deltamethrin C. nubeculosus colony UK 90% mortality Onuike et al. (2015)
Lambda‐cyhalothrin Oxyfly™ (Novartis) Application on walls where insects rest Field‐collected C. obsoletus and C. pulicaris Germany 100% Schmahl et al. (2008)
1.25% w/v high‐cis cypermethrin Coopers’ Spot On™, Schering‐Plough Animal Health, UK Pour on Culicoides spp. UK Sheep and cattle High mortality Carpenter et al. (2007)
1,067 g cypermethrin per ear tag Flectron® Flytags, Fort Dodge Animal Health Ear tags Culicoides spp. Heifers and dairy cows Efficacy for 14 days with 1 ear tag and up to 21 days with 2 ear tags Liebisch and Liebisch (2008)
12.5–15 g/L alphacypermethrin Dysect Cattle Pour‐On and Dysect Sheep Pour‐On (Zoetis) Hair clippers obtained from leg, belly and back Colony‐reared adults of C. nubeculosus GR Sheep and cattle Near to 100%) up to 21 days post‐treatment (in vitro) Papadopoulos et al. (2009)
Cypermethrin 5.0% Deosect Spray, Fort Dodge Animal Health Hair clippers Culicoides spp. GR Horses 80% at day 7–50% at day 35 post‐treatment Papadopoulos et al., 2010)
Semi field testing
7.5% w/v deltamethrin Butox® 7.5 Pour On (Intervet International B.V., The Netherlands) Pour on Nulliparous females of a colony of C. nubeculosus exposed to shorn sheep France Sheep 45% on day 4th after treatment. persistence of the lethal effect was estimated to be less than 10 days Venail et al., 2011