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. 2017 Mar 8;15(3):e04698. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2017.4698

Table A.1.

Parameters in the model for the transmission of bluetongue virus within a farm in Great Britain

Description Symbol Estimatea or function Comments and references
Probability of transmission from vector to host b 0.82 (0.69, 0.95)
Probability of transmission from host to vector β 0.02 (0.006, 0.05)
Vectors to host ratio for species i m i γ(s V, μV/s V) Sample drawn from gamma distribution for each farm
Mean vector to host ratio μV 2,058 (763, 3683)
Shape parameter for vector to host ratio s V 1.65 (0.47, 3.04)
Number of animals of species i on farm H i Obtained from agricultural survey data
Proportion of bites on species i ϕi For cattle ϕC = H C/(H C + σH S), while for sheep ϕS = σH S/(H C + σH S)
Vector preference for sheep relative to cattle σ 0.15 (0.004, 0.65)
Reciprocal of the time interval between blood meals α a(T) = 0.0002T(T − 3.7) (41.9 − T)1/2 . 7 Depends on temperature (Mullens et al., 2004)
Duration of viraemia (cattle) Mean 1/r C 20.6 Parameters estimated by fitting a gamma distribution to data on naturally infected cattle (Melville et al., 1996)
No. stages n C 5
Disease‐associated mortality rate (cattle) d C 0.0015 (0.0001, 0.0037)
Duration of viraemia (sheep) Mean 1/r S 16.4 Parameters estimated by fitting a gamma distribution to data on experimentally infected sheep (Goldsmit et al., 1975; Veronesi et al., 2005)
No. stages n S 14
Disease‐associated mortality rate (sheep) d S 0.0078 (0.0006, 0.0020)
Extrinsic incubation period (EIP) Mean 1/ν ν(T) = α(T − T min) Reciprocal of mean EIP depends on temperature (cf. Carpenter et al., 2011)
No. stages k 10 (2, 25)
Virus replication rate α 0.020 (0.016, 0.024)
Threshold temperature for virus replication T min 13.24 (12.75, 13.72)
Vector mortality rate μ μ(T) = 0.009 exp(0.16T) Depends on temperature (Gerry and Mullens, 2000)
Vector recruitment rate ρ For simplicity, assumed to be equal to equal to vector mortality rate
Vector population size N For simplicity, assumed to be constant; given by N = m i H i
Vector activity sin, 12 month b 11 −1.59 (−1.80, −1.37)
cos, 12 month b 21 −3.81 (−4.40, −3.20)
sin, 6 month b 12 −1.46 (−1.59, −1.33)
cos, 6 month b 22 −0.99 (−1.41, −0.57)

For those parameters estimated as part of the approximate Bayesian computation scheme, the mean and 95% credible interval (in brackets) for the marginal posterior distributions are reported.