Table 1.
Parameter | Unit | Specification | Method |
Phlorotannin | PGEQ%a | 90.0 ± 5.0 | Folin–Ciocalteu's method |
Dieckol | % | 6.6–9.9 | HPLC |
Area Ratio BE cluster to Dieckolb | – | 1.0–1.6 | HPLC |
Antioxidant activity | % | > 85 | DPPH (reduction%, c = 0.1 mg/mL) |
Moisture content | % | < 5 | Moisture analyser |
Ash | % | < 5 | Direct ashing method |
Insoluble substancesc | – | negative | Dissolve and filtration method |
Substances not originating from E. cava d | – | negative |
Dissolve and filtration method Visual inspection |
Appearance | – | brown powder | Visual inspection |
Unpleasant odour or taste | – | negative | Sensory test |
Viable cell count | CFU/g | < 3,000 | 3M Petrifilm method: PP‐6406 |
Staphylococcus aureus | CFU/g | negative | 3M Petrifilm method: PP‐6424 |
Moulds and yeasts | CFU/g | < 300 | 3M Petrifilm method: PP‐6417 |
Salmonella ssp. | CFU/25 g | negative | 3M Petrifilm method: PP‐6539 |
Coliforms | CFU/g | negative | Using BGLB media |
Lead (Pb) | mg/kg | < 3 | ICP‐MS |
Mercury (Hg) | mg/kg | < 0.1 | ICP‐MS |
Cadmium (Cd) | mg/kg | < 3 | ICP‐MS |
Arsenic (As) | mg/kg | < 25 | ICP‐MS |
Iodine (I2) | mg/kg | 150.0–650.0 | AOAC method: 932.21 |
Sieving size | mesh | > 60 | Standard sieving method |
HPLC: high‐performance liquid chromatography; DPPH: 2,2‐diphenyl‐1‐picrylhydrazyl; CFU: colony forming unit; BGLB: brilliant green lactose bile; ICP‐MS: inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry.
Phloroglucinol equivalent using anhydrous phloroglucinol standard.
BE cluster – cluster in chromatogram of 3 peaks consisting of 4 compounds:
2‐O‐(2,4,5‐trihydroxyphenyl)‐6,6′‐bieckol, 6,6′‐bieckol and 8,8′‐bieckol + 7‐phloroeckol.
Originating from Ecklonia cava (e.g. non‐soluble cellulosic residues).
Any ‘foreign’ substance introduced erroneously during the manufacturing process.