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. 2017 Aug 14;15(8):e04972. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2017.4972
Feed category (Level 1) Number of data before applying cut‐off LC % Mean occurrence values before application of cut‐offs (μg/kg) Cut‐off applied on LOQ (μg/kg) Number of data excluded Number samples after applying cut‐off Mean occurrence values after application of cut‐offs (μg/kg)
T‐2 toxin
Feed terms 9 89 3.07 24.3 50 1 8 3.46 21.1
Cereal grains, their products and by‐products 1,488 89 7.53 25.7 107 1,381 7.89 19.2
Fish, other aquatic animals and products derived thereof 1 100 0.00 53.5 1 0
Minerals and products derived thereof 1 100 0.00 7.00 0 1 0.00 7.00
Fermentation (by‐)products from microorganisms the cells of which have been inactivated or killed 1 100 0.00 5.00 0 1 0.00 5.00
Miscellaneous 8 100 0.00 26.2 3 5 0.00 11.0
Oil seeds, oil fruits, and products derived thereof 174 95 0.10 19.2 15 159 0.11 15.9
Legume seeds and products derived thereof 8 100 0.00 7.50 0 8 0.00 7.50
Tubers, roots, and products derived thereof 2 100 0.00 53.0 1 1 0.00 5.00
Other seeds and fruits, and products derived thereof 2 100 0.00 5.00 0 2 0.00 5.00
Forages and roughage, and products derived thereof 169 91 4.78 13.6 7 162 4.99 12.6
Milk products and products derived thereof 1 0 3.00 3.00 0 1 3.00 3.00
Land animal products and products derived thereof 2 100 0.00 7.50 0 2 0.00 7.50
Compound feed 1,125 95 1.62 24.2 121 1,004 1.67 16.3
HT‐2 toxin
Feed terms 9 78 27.9 67.1 50 9 0
Cereal grains, their products and by‐products 1,394 86 19.6 49.0 96 1,298 20.9 41.3
Fish, other aquatic animals and products derived thereof 1 100 0.00 53.5 1 0
Minerals and products derived thereof 1 100 0.00 10.0 0 1 0.00 10.00
Fermentation (by‐)products from microorganisms the cells of which have been inactivated or killed 1 100 0.00 5.00 0 1 0.00 5.00
Miscellaneous 3 100 0.00 39.2 2 1 0.00 38.0
Oil seeds, oil fruits, and products derived thereof 167 99 0.29 41.5 131 36 1.35 6.33
Legume seeds and products derived thereof 8 100 0.00 11.5 0 8 0.00 11.5
Tubers, roots, and products derived thereof 2 100 0.00 53.0 1 1 0.00 5.00
Other seeds and fruits, and products derived thereof 2 100 0.00 5.00 0 2 0.00 5.00
Forages and roughage, and products derived thereof 167 83 6.79 21.9 7 160 7.09 21.1
Milk products and products derived thereof 1 0 3.40 3.40 0 1 3.40 3.40
Land animal products and products derived thereof 2 100 0.00 7.50 0 2 0.00 7.50
Compound feed 964 93 2.19 35.0 46 918 2.30 28.9
Sum of T‐2 and HT‐2 toxins
Feed terms 8 88 18.5 36.1 100 0 8 18.5 36.1
Cereal grains, their products and by‐products 598 82 39.8 81.0 2 596 39.9 54.5
Miscellaneous 1 100 0.00 15.2 0 1 0.00 15.2
Oil seeds, oil fruits, and products derived thereof 119 98 0.66 20.4 0 119 0.66 20.4
Legume seeds and products derived thereof 1 100 0.00 18.8 0 1 0.00 18.8
Forages and roughage, and products derived thereof 58 69 14.2 22.4 0 58 14.2 22.4
Compound feed 465 96 1.44 36.5 1 464 1.44 19.3

LB: lower bound; LC: left‐censored; LOQ: limit of quantification; UB: upper bound.