Codeb | Commodity | Existing EU MRL (mg/kg) | Proposed EU MRL (mg/kg) | Comment/justification |
Enforcement residue definition: Sulfoxaflor (sum of isomers) | ||||
0253000 | Grape leaves and similar species | 0.01a | 2 | The submitted data are sufficient to derive a MRL proposal for the intended NEU/SEU uses. A consumer health concern was not identified |
0270050 | Globe artichokes | 0.01a | 0.06 | The submitted data are sufficient to derive a MRL proposal for the intended SEU use. A consumer health concern was not identified |
MRL: maximum residue level; NEU: northern Europe; SEU: southern Europe.
Indicates that the MRL is set at the limit of analytical quantification (LOQ).
Commodity code number according to Annex I of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005.