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. 2017 Jan 26;15(1):e04655. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2017.4655

Table A.1.

Search terms and information source for literature search on T2 and HT2 and their modified forms

EFSA Systematic Review
Chemistry and analysis
Search terms TOPIC: (T2‐toxin OR HT‐2 toxin) AND TOPIC: (chemistry OR analysis OR determination OR detection OR identification OR formation OR GC OR GC‐MS OR HPLC OR LC‐MS OR ICP‐MS)
Information source Number of records retrieved
Web of Science 705
PubMed 268
Metabolism, Kinetics
Search terms TOPIC: (T2‐toxin OR HT‐2 toxin) AND TOPIC (toxicokinetic* OR metabolism OR distribution OR excretion OR absorption OR distribution OR biomarker OR mode of action OR biotransformation OR elimination OR reduction OR detoxification OR extraction)
Information source Number of records retrieved
Web of Science 471
PubMed 213
Search terms TOPIC: (T2‐toxin OR HT‐2 toxin) AND TOPIC: (toxicity OR toxic* OR acute OR subacute OR subchronic OR chronic OR mutagen* OR carcino* OR genotox* OR reprotox* OR nephrotox* OR neurotox* OR hepatotox* OR immunotox* OR haemotox* OR hematotox* OR hemotox OR cytotox* OR develop* toxicity OR thyroid OR endocri* OR poisoning OR incidental poisoning OR rat OR mouse OR lab animal OR animal*)
Information source Number of records retrieved
Web of Science 966
PubMed 202
Human data
Search terms TOPIC: (T2‐toxin OR HT‐2 toxin) AND TOPIC: (biomarker OR biological marker OR case study OR incidental poisoning OR poisoning OR human poisoning OR human OR epidemiol*)
Information source Number of records retrieved
Web of Science 586
PubMed 231
Date accessed January 2016
Total number retrieved 3,542
Total number after duplicates removed 1,087