Table A.1.
Search terms and information source for literature search on T2 and HT2 and their modified forms
EFSA Systematic Review | |
Chemistry and analysis | |
Search terms | TOPIC: (T2‐toxin OR HT‐2 toxin) AND TOPIC: (chemistry OR analysis OR determination OR detection OR identification OR formation OR GC OR GC‐MS OR HPLC OR LC‐MS OR ICP‐MS) |
Information source | Number of records retrieved |
Web of Science | 705 |
PubMed | 268 |
Metabolism, Kinetics | |
Search terms | TOPIC: (T2‐toxin OR HT‐2 toxin) AND TOPIC (toxicokinetic* OR metabolism OR distribution OR excretion OR absorption OR distribution OR biomarker OR mode of action OR biotransformation OR elimination OR reduction OR detoxification OR extraction) |
Information source | Number of records retrieved |
Web of Science | 471 |
PubMed | 213 |
Toxicity | |
Search terms | TOPIC: (T2‐toxin OR HT‐2 toxin) AND TOPIC: (toxicity OR toxic* OR acute OR subacute OR subchronic OR chronic OR mutagen* OR carcino* OR genotox* OR reprotox* OR nephrotox* OR neurotox* OR hepatotox* OR immunotox* OR haemotox* OR hematotox* OR hemotox OR cytotox* OR develop* toxicity OR thyroid OR endocri* OR poisoning OR incidental poisoning OR rat OR mouse OR lab animal OR animal*) |
Information source | Number of records retrieved |
Web of Science | 966 |
PubMed | 202 |
Human data | |
Search terms | TOPIC: (T2‐toxin OR HT‐2 toxin) AND TOPIC: (biomarker OR biological marker OR case study OR incidental poisoning OR poisoning OR human poisoning OR human OR epidemiol*) |
Information source | Number of records retrieved |
Web of Science | 586 |
PubMed | 231 |
Date accessed | January 2016 |
Total number retrieved | 3,542 |
Total number after duplicates removed | 1,087 |