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. 2017 Mar 23;15(3):e04732. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2017.4732

Table A.1.

Sample description

Element name Controlled terminology Description
localOrgId Organisation reporting the data
progLegalRef Reference to the legislation for the programme defined by programme code. Reference to the legislation on what to sample, how to evaluate the sample, etc.
sampStrategy (mandatory)

ST10A = Objective sampling

ST20A = Selective sampling

ST30A = Suspect sampling

ST40A = Convenient sampling

ST50A = Census

ST90A = Other

STXXA = Not specified

Typology of sampling strategy performed in the programme or project identified by programme code

K028A = Survey ‐ national survey

K029A = Unspecified

K030A = Surveillance active

K031A = Surveillance passive

K023A = Monitoring –active

K024A = Monitoring – passive

K021A = Control and eradication programmes

K032A = Outbreak investigation

Indicate the type of programme for which the samples have been collected (National, EU programme, Total diet study, Control and eradication programme)

N001A = Individual/single

N002A = Pooled/batch

N003A = Animal

N004A = Flock

N005A = Holding

N006A = Herd

N007A = Slaughter batch

N008A = Unknown

N009A = According to Dir. 2002/63/EC

N010A = According to 97/747/EC

Reference to the method for sampling (e.g. EU legislation)
sampPoint (mandatory)

E101A = Farm

E180A = Hunting

E311A = Slaughterhouse

E012A = Zoo

E980A = Unknown

E310A = Meat processing plant

E350A = Animal feeds manufacturer

E191A = Natural habitat

Specify the type of location the sample was obtained from
progInfo Additional info about programme
sampHoldingId Holding ID for multiple samples from domestic pigs from the same farm
animalID Unique identifier for the animal
sampId (mandatory) Unique identifier for the sample, this must be maintained when reporting all laboratory results linked to the sample
sampCountry (mandatory)





Country where the sample was taken for laboratory testing (ISO 3166‐1‐alpha‐2)
sampArea (mandatory) NUTS 3 level Area where the sample was collected (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics – NUTS)
sampLAU1 From EFSA Catalogue Area at the first local administrative level where the sample was collected
sampLAU2 From EFSA Catalogue Area at the second local administrative level where the sample was collected at the lowest administrative unit available
longitude Longitude of the representative sampling point in WGS84 decimal format
latitude Latitude of the representative sampling point in WGS84 decimal format
sampY (mandatory) Year of sampling
sampM (mandatory) Month of sampling
sampD Day of sampling
sampInfo Additional information on the sampling taken depending on specific requirements of the different data collection domains (e.g. day of arrival in the lab)
sampMatType (mandatory)

S000A = Animal sample

S019A = Food sample

S026A = Feed sample

S027A = Environmental sample

S030A = Unknown

Type of sample taken

A056Y = Wild boar

A16AB = Wild boar‐domestic pig hybrids

A0C9X = Breeding pigs

A0C9Y = Fattening pigs

A0C9Z = Mixed pig herds

A0CAA = Breeding piglets

A0CAE = Fattening piglets

Type of animal tested


Clinical suspicion

Found dead


Premovement testing


Additional info about how the sample was obtained

‘Clinical susp’ includes ‘euthanasia’ and ‘sick’

‘Found dead’ includes ‘traffic accident’

Depopulation ‐ for wild boar, hunted in the framework of control measures

Decomposition (mandatory)

1 = Fresh

2 = Decomposed

3 = Bones

Degree of decomposition of carcasses
age (mandatory)




ADULT = Greater 1 year

YOUNG = Up to 1 year


sex (mandatory)

M = Male

F = Female

U = Unknown

sampMatInfo Additional specific information and comments on the matrix sampled
sampAnId Identification code of sample analysed
analysisY Year when the analysis was completed
analysisM Month when the analysis was completed
analysisD Day when the analysis was completed

A01XD = Animal liver

A01YG = Animal kidney

A01ZK = Animal other organs

A020P = Animal other slaughtering products

A0F1T = Animal blood

A021E = Animal bone marrow

A0CEY = Blood serum

A0F5E = Gelatine

A0CJN = Lymph nodes

A04MQ = Mixed organs

A01RG = Pig muscle

A16AA = Salivary glands

A06AK = Skin

A069Q = Spleen

A0EYE = Whole animal

A04CN = Wild boar carcase

Description of matrix analysed. It allows specifying the characteristics of the matrix analysed
anMatText Description of the matrix analysed characteristics using free text
labId Identification code of the laboratory (National laboratory code if available). This code should be nationally unique and consistent through all data domain transmissions
labCountry (mandatory) COUNTRY Country where the laboratory is located (ISO 3166‐1‐alpha‐2)
paramCode (mandatory) RF‐00002657‐MCG = African swine fever virus Encoding of the parameter/analyte according to the PARAM catalogue
paramText Description of the parameter/analyte using free text

F086A = Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

F087A = Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (QPCR)

F080A = Enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)

F151A = Immunoblotting (IB)

F590A = Immunoperoxidase test (IPT)

F089A = Genotyping

F563A = Virus isolation

Encoding of the method or instrument used from the ANLYMD catalogue

PCR – virus

QPCR – virus

Genotyping – virus

Virus isolation – virus

ELISA – antibodies

Immunoblotting (IB) – antibodies

Immunoperoxidase test (IPT) – antibodies

anMethText Additional description of the method or instrument using free text, particularly if ‘other’ was reported for ‘Analytical method code’
resId (mandatory) Unique identification of an analytical result
specificity Analytical method specificity if available
sensitivity Analytical method sensitivity if available
resUnit Unit of measurement the result value when reporting quantitative values
resVal The quantitative result of the analytical measure expressed in the unit specified in resUnit (e.g. CT or OD values)
resQualValue (mandatory)

POS = Positive

NEG = Negative

EQU = Questionable

Qualitative result value

Positive or negative

resType BIN = Qualitative Value (Binary) Indicate the type of result, whether it could be quantified/determined or not

Free text to provide additional comments on lab result

Additional specific information and comments on the result section depending on specific requirements of the different data collection domains

ADNSId Number of the outbreak notified to the ADNS system