Crkl exon 2 deletion was triggered in the epiblast in embryos isolated from genetic cross between Crkl
f2/f2 and Crkl
f2/+;Meox2cre/+ parents. Three embryos shown have the genotypes indicated. Crkld2 denotes an exon 2 deletion upon cre-dependent recombination. Embryos #1 and 2 show severe and mild edema, respectively. (A, B)
Crkl exon 2 homozygous deletion resulted in missing thymus in embryo #1 and hypoplastic thymic lobes in embryo #2, whereas embryo #4 (not shown in A) had thymic lobes only mildly affected, compared with control Crkl
f2/f2 embryo (#3 in A). Thymic lobes are outlined by dotted lines. In addition to missing thymus, embryo #1 showed an interrupted arch of aorta type B, and abnormal origin of the right subclavian artery, whereas embryos #2 and 4 had normal pattern of the great arteries. Rt, right thymic lobe; lt, left thymic lobe; rcc, right common carotid artery; lcc, left common carotid artery; rsa, right subclavian artery; ao, aorta; aa, arch of aorta; da, ductus arteriosus; ra, right atrium; la, left atrium; vt, ventricle.