(A) Heatmap analysis showing mean chromosome arm region profiles taking into account both broad and focal alterations, spanning 20 cancer type, for 8653 samples from the TCGA pan-cancer dataset. Cancer types were indicated in the column ID from the input file. Annotation track displays tumor types, including squamous cell carcinomas, gynecological cancers, gastrointestinal cancers, and others. (B) Heatmap analysis showing mean 5 Mb region profiles taking into account only focal alterations, spanning 20 cancer type, for 8653 samples from the TCGA pan-cancer dataset. Cancer types were indicated in the column ID from the input file. Annotation track displays tumor types, including squamous cell carcinomas, gynecological cancers, gastrointestinal cancers, and others. (C) Heatmap plot showing 20 out of the 33 TCGA cancer type profile (by 5 Mb genomic regions and accounting only for focal alterations) correlations, by Pearson's method, hierarchically clustered by tissue of origin. Gastrointestinal, gynecological and squamous cancers are clustering consistently in their respective groups. (TIFF 2.8 MB).