a. Interpretation Example, Child Sex. Daily snacking had a more favorable impact on the composition of dietary intake for boys compared to girls (Interaction P Value = 0.031). Removing intake at snacks resulted in approximately a −2.5 reduction in calculated daily HEI-2010 for boys, and a −0.95 reduction in calculated daily Healthy Eating Index (HEI-2010) for girls.
b. Interpretation Example, Race/Ethnicity. Daily snacking was not found to differ statistically by the six race/ethnic groups (P = 0.57). The width of the bars indicates the relative size of the percent change in HEI-2010 when foods eaten at daily snacking occasions are removed. For African American children, the quality of intake at snacks was more similar to the quality of intake at all other meal occasions (1% decline in HEI) than observed for Native American (4.7% decline in HEI) and Somali children (3.9% decline in HEI). For the latter two groups, snacking had the most favorable impact on the overall quality of daily dietary intake.