Figure 3. Density and phenotype of macrophages in OSL (A) and preservation of neuronal fibers in OSL (B).
(A) The mean densities of macrophages and melanocytes in four segments of the OSL (lower basal, upper basal, lower middle, upper middle turn) of implanted (I) and unimplanted (U) ears are shown. The error bars indicate the standard errors of total density. Amoeboid, transitional and ramified types of macrophages are shown in gradation. A paired-t test or Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed rank test was used for statistical analysis between I and U ears. The asterisks (*) indicate the statistical significance in total density (**: p < 0.01). The daggers (†) indicate a significant tendency (†: 0.05 < p < 0.1). The asterisks (*) indicate the statistical significance in the phenotype of macrophages (*: p < 0.05).
(B) The mean preservation of neuronal dendritic process in the OSL evaluated by anti-neurofilament immunostaining in the sections of modiolus and basal turn near the round window [Data of 9 of 10 cases as provided in a previous study by Kamakura et al. (11)]. Presence or absence of dendritic process with neurofilament staining in OSL was represented by preservation score of 100 or 0 (%). Black circles and gray squares indicate implanted and unimplanted ears, respectively. The section of basal turn near round window where there was significant difference in the preservation of dendritic process between implanted and unimplanted ears (Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed rank test) was not included in current study.