Table 1.
References | Region | Design | Origin of IVH | Patients | Fibrinolytic | Dose | Quality (NOS/Jadad) | Impact factor | |
IVF + EVD | EVD | ||||||||
Akdemir et al. [30] | Middle East | RCT | IPH and SAH | 7 | 9 | UK | 5000 IU/12 h | 2a | 2.06 |
Coplin et al. [34] | N-America | RCS | IPH | 22 | 18 | UK | 10,000 IU/12 h | 6b | 5.72 |
Ducruet et al. [35] | N-America | RCS | IPH | 13 | 17 | tPA | 1–3 mg/12 h | 5b | 4.89 |
Dunatov et al. [12] | Europe | RCS | IPH | 48 | 49 | rt-PA | 1 mg/12 h | 5b | 3.09 |
Findlay et al. [31] | N-America | RCS | SAH | 21 | 9 | rt-PA | 4 mg/24 h | 5b | 4.89 |
Gerner et al. [32] | Europe | M-CS | SAH | 14 | 14 | rt-PA | 1 mg/8 h | 7b | 2.75 |
Hallevi et al. [11] | Middle East | RCS | IPH | 18 | 11 | tPA | 1–2 mg/24 h | 5b | 2.47 |
Hanley et al. [14] | N-America | RCT | IPH | 249 | 251 | tPA | 1 mg/8 h | 5a | 44 |
Huttner et al. [36] | Europe | M-CS | IPH | 22 | 22 | rt-PA | 2–4 mg/12 h | 8b | 3.96 |
King et al. [37] | Asia | RCT | IPH | 7 | 9 | UK | 25,000 IU/12 h | 5a | 1.38 |
Kramer et al. [33] | N-America | RCT | SAH | 6 | 6 | tPA | 2 mg/12 h | 5a | 2.75 |
Litrico et al. [38] | Europe | RCT | SAH | 11 | 8 | rt-PA | 3 mg/12 h | 3a | 2.06 |
Naff et al. [39] | N-America | RCT | IPH | 6 | 5 | UK | 25,000 IU/12 h | 4a | 4.89 |
Naff et al. [25] | N-America | RCT | IPH | 26 | 22 | rt-PA | 3 mg/12 h | 3a | 5.72 |
Rainov and Burkert [26] | Europe | M-CS | IPH | 16 | 5 | UK | 10,000 IU/12 h | 6b | 2.06 |
Todo et al. [27] | Asia | CS | IPH and SAH | 6 | 4 | UK | 10,000 IU/12 h | 4b | 3.74 |
Torres et al. [28] | Europe | RCS | IPH | 14 | 14 | UK | 10,000 IU/12 h | 6b | 0.96 |
Tung et al. [29] | Asia | RCT | IPH | 10 | 11 | UK | 50,000/12 h | 1a | 0.96 |
Varelas et al. [13] | N-America | M-CS | SAH | 10 | 10 | tPA | 2 mg/12 h | 7b | 4.89 |
CS case–control, EVD extraventricular drain, IPH intra-parenchymal hemorrhage, IU international units, IVH intraventricular hemorrhage, IVF intraventricular fibrinolysis, M-CS matched case–control, mg milligram, NA not assessed, NOS Newcastle–Ottawa Outcome Scale, RCS retrospective cohort study, RCT randomized controlled trial, rt-PA recombinant tissue plasminogen activator, SAH subarachnoid hemorrhage, tPA tissue plasminogen activator, UK urokinase
aScored using Jadad scale, 1–5 points
bScored using NOS scale, 1–9 points (high quality defined as a score of 4 > = for Jadad, 6 > = for NOS)