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. 2020 Jan 3;9(4):1462–1472. doi: 10.1002/cam4.2812

Table 2.

Cohort characteristics

Characteristic Breast Colorectal Lung Prostate Overall
N 124 253 52 383 51 311 94 940 322 887
Age [mean (SD)] 59.5 (12.1) 63.2 (12.5) 67.1 (10.5) 66.9 (9.1) 63.5 (11.6)
Sex [n (%)]
Male 27 616 (52.7%) 27 170 (53.0%) 94 940 (100.0%) 149 726 (46.4%)
Female 124 253 (100.0%) 24 767 (47.3%) 24 141 (47.0%) 173 161 (53.6%)
Race/Ethnicity [n (%)]
Missing/Unknown 37 198 (29.9%) 18 961 (36.2%) 19 432 (37.9%) 32 741 (34.5%) 108 332 (33.6%)
Asian 2398 (1.9%) 862 (1.6%) 634 (1.2%) 1019 (1.1%) 4913 (1.5%)
Black 9543 (7.7%) 3847 (7.3%) 3538 (6.9%) 7920 (8.3%) 24 848 (7.7%)
Hispanic 5491 (4.4%) 2360(4.5%) 1271 (2.5%) 3463 (3.6%) 12 585 (3.9%)
White 69 623 (56.0%) 26 353 (50.3%) 26 436 (51.5%) 49 797 (52.5%) 172 209 (53.3%)
Annual household income [n (%)]
Unknown 44 997 (36.2%) 22 584 (43.1%) 23 569 (45.9%) 37 349 (39.3%) 128 499 (39.8%)
<$25K 15 627 (12.6%) 6713 (12.8%) 8845 (17.2%) 10 733 (11.3%) 41 918 (13.0%)
$24K ‐ $149K 19 793 (15.9%) 8511 (16.2%) 8488 (16.5%) 15 694 (16.5%) 52 416 (16.2%)
$150K ‐ 249K 23 057 (18.6%) 8367 (16.0%) 6551 (12.8%) 17 314 (18.2%) 55 289 (17.1%)
$250K ‐ $499K 12 336 (9.9%) 3964 (7.6%) 2553 (5.0%) 8514 (9.0%) 27 367 (8.5%)
$500K+ 8513 (6.9%) 2244 (4.3%) 1305 (2.5%) 5336 (5.6%) 17 398 (5.4%)
Education [n (%)]
Missing/Unknown 34 322 (27.6%) 17 925 (34.2%) 18 449 (36.0%) 30 698 (32.3%) 101 394 (31.4%)
Less than 12th grade 217 (0.2%) 141 (0.3%) 89 (0.2%) 149 (0.2%) 596 (0.2%)
High school diploma 20 749 (16.7%) 9891(18.9%) 10 987 (21.4%) 16 468 (17.3%) 58 095 (18.0%)
Less than bachelor degree 48 901 (39.4%) 18 423 (35.2%) 17 365 (33.8%) 35 020 (36.9%) 119 709 (37.1%)
Bachelor degree plus 20 064 (16.1%) 6003 (11.5%) 4421 (8.6%) 12 605 (13.3%) 43 093 (13.3%)
Insurance type [n (%)]
Private insurance 99 932 (80.4%) 42 456 (81.0%) 37 196 (72.5%) 69 486 (73.2%) 249 070 (77.1%)
Medicare Advantage 24 321 (19.6%) 9927 (19.0%) 14 115 (27.5%) 25 454 (26.8%) 73 817 (22.9%)
Clinical characteristics
Metastatic disease [n (%)] 26 791 (21.6%) 18 671 (35.6%) 30 169 (58.8%) 10 800 (11.4%) 86 431 (26.8%)
Charlson index* [mean (SD)] 2.0 (1.6) 2.8 (1.9) 3.6 (1.8) 2.8 (1.4) 2.6 (1.7)
Rehospitalized w/in 1 y [n (%)] 36 780 (29.6%) 33 047 (63.1%) 32 092 (62.5%) 37 798 (39.8%) 139 717 (43.3%)
Hospital days [mean (SD)] 5.1 (8.8) 10.4 (13.9) 10.4 (12.9) 4.1 (7.9) 7.3 (11.4)
Treatment type [n (%)]
Chemotherapy only 18 357 (14.8%) 8724 (16.7%) 11 501 (22.4%) 18 830 (19.8%) 57 412 (17.8%)
Radiation only 11 407 (9.2%) 1273 (2.4%) 7260 (14.1%) 21 253 (22.4%) 41 193 (12.8%)
Surgery only 22 952 (18.5%) 22 770 (43.5%) 6818 (13.3%) 31 598 (33.3%) 84 138 (26.1%)
Multimodality 71 537 (57.6%) 19 616 (37.4%) 25 732 (50.1%) 23 259 (24.5%) 140 144 (43.4%)

Percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding.