GAS6 protects PMHs against cell death induced by palmitic acid via MERTK and bemcentinib blocks LPS-induced inflammation in KCs. (A) Activating antibodies against AXL (α-AXL) or MERTK (α-MERTK) were used in primary fibroblast from WT, AXL, and MERTK KO mice. AXL and MERTK activators (10 nM) were exposed for 1 hour and p-AKT analyzed in cell extracts by Western blot. (B) Cell death after 18 hours in PMHs exposed to palmitic acid (0.75/1.0/1.25 mM) pretreated with recombinant GAS6 or activating antibodies against AXL or MERTK. Results are expressed as mean ± SD. *P ≤ .05 vs palmitic acid-treated cells (n = 3). (C) p-AKT and p-STAT3 levels in PMHs after exposure to GAS6, AXL, or MERTK activators in the presence or absence of palmitic acid (0.75 mM). (D) Changes in p-AXL and p-MERTK levels after KC exposure to GAS6, AXL, or MERTK activators. (E, F) mRNA expression levels of IL-1β and IL-6 in KCs exposed to LPS (50 ng/mL, 2 hours), activating antibodies, or bemcentinib (0.25 μM). *P ≤ .05 vs control cells (n = 6–8).