Reduction in Pol I Activity Improves Gut Health in Old Flies
(A) Number of pH3+ cells per gut (n = 8–10 flies, effect of age p = 6 × 10−4, genotype p = 3 × 10−3, genotype-by-age interaction p = 0.02, LM). Boxplots show means and quintiles, with counts from individual guts overlaid as points.
(B) Representative images of pH3+ cells in old guts (white > indicates pH3+ cells, stacks; scale bar, 50 μm).
(C) Cumulative proportion of partial and complete smurfs (means ± SEs, n = 10–378 flies, no significant effect of genotype, age p < 10−4, genotype-by-age interaction p < 0.05, ordinal logistic regression).
(D) Moving duration during exploratory walking in RpI1SH/+ and wild-type females (n = 13–14 flies, effect of genotype not significant, age p < 10−4, genotype-by-age interaction p = 0.01, LM).
(E) Height climbed during negative geotaxis assays in RpI1SH/+ and wild-type females (n = 79–97 flies, no significant effect of genotype, age p < 10−4, genotype-by-age interaction p = 1 × 10−4, LM).
(F) Height climbed during negative geotaxis assays in TIGS>Tif-1ARNAi females in the presence or absence of RU486 (n = 90–123 flies, effect of RU486 p = 2.5 × 10−3, age p < 10−4, genotype-by-age interaction p = 4.8 × 10−3, LM).
(A)–(E) were assessed in RpI1SH/+ and wild-type females. Boxplots show means and quintiles, with values for individual flies overlaid as points.
See also Figure S4.