The flowers of JcTM6:AtIPT4 transgenic J. curcas developed abnormally. (A) Male flowers of WT and L16 plants. (B) Female flower of WT plants. Bisexual flowers of L16 (C) and L6 plants (D). (E) Male flowers of WT and L16 plants with the sepals and petals removed. (F) Cross-sections of ovaries of WT, L16, and L6 plants. (G) Ovules of WT, L16, and L6 plants. All scale bars = 3 mm. (H) Expression of genes involved in floral development in the WT male flowers (WT/M) and female flowers (WT/F), L16 male flowers (L16/M), L16 bisexual flowers (L16/B), and L6 bisexual flowers (L6/B). The values represent the means ± standard deviations (n = 3). Student’s t-test was used for the statistical analyses. Different letters (a, b and c) indicate significant differences (p ≤ 0.05).