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. 2020 Jan 8;21(2):401. doi: 10.3390/ijms21020401

Table 2.

Summary of in vitro experiments.

Compound Type of Cancer Cell Line Treatment/Duration Mechanisms of Overcoming MDR Reference
Flavonoid Compounds
Apigenin Prostate CD44+ PC3 cells 15 μM apigenin +
7.5 μM CDPP,
48 h
↓ Bcl-2,
↓ sharpin,
↓ survivin,
↑ caspase 8,
↑ APAF-1, ↑ p53 mRNA, ↓ NF-κB, ↑ p21, ↓ CDK-2,
↓ CDK-4,
↓ CDK-6
Wogonin Lung A549 cell line 10 μM wagonin + TRAIL (5–20 ng/mL), 24 h ↑ apoptosis,
↓ cFLIPL, ↓ XIAP, ↓ cIAP-1, ↓ IAP-2
Luteolin Breast ABCG2 expressing MCF-7 cells mitoxantrone resistant 12.5–100 μM luteolin + 1 μM mitoxantrone, 4 h ↑ ROS, ↑ DNA damage, ↓ NF-κB
↓ cIAP-1,
↓ survivin,
↑ ATR-CHk2-p53
Breast MDA-MB 231 cells DOX resistant 5–20 μM luteolin +
0.08–20 mM DOX, 24 h
↓ Nrf2 [191]
Lung A549 cells Pre-treatment
(24 h) with 5 μM luteolin before DOX
(0–3 μg/mL),
OX (0–100 μM), bleomycin
(0–100 μM), 48 h
↓ Nrf2 [190]
Quercetin Breast DOX resistant MCF-7 cells 2.5 μg/mL DOX, 0.5 μg/mL PTX,
0.5 μg/mL VCR + 0.5. μg/ml quercetin - 24 h
↓ P-gp, ↓ YB-1 nuclear protein translocation,
↓ BCSCs phenotype CD44+/CD24/low,
↑ apoptosis, cell cycle arrest
Colorectal VCR resistant Caco-2 cells 0.5–200 μM quercetin, 24 h ↓ P-gp [193]
Colorectal Caco-2 cells 20 μM cimetidine +
100 μM quercetin,
4 h
↓ P-gp [194]
Fisetin Colorectal OX-resistant LoVo cells
CPT11-resistant LoVo cells
0 μM, 40 μM,
80 μM fisetin,
24 h
↑ apoptosis,
↑ cytochrome C release, ↓ IGF-1R and AKT phosphorylation levels
Naringenin Breast Daunomycin resistant MCF-7 cells 9 × 10−8 M–
7.2 × 10−5 M daunomycin +
50 μM naringenin, 72 h
↓ P-gp [195]
Hesperitin glycoside
Breast MCF-7 DOX resistant cells 0.5–3.5 μM/L hesperidin +
35–233 nM/L DOX, 24 h
↓ P-gp [197]
Colorectal Coco-2 cells overexpressing
32 μM hesperidin, 24 h ↓ P-gp [198]
Catechin Breast MDA-MDB-231 CDPP resistant cells 5, 10, 20, 40 μM C + 10 μM CDPP, 6 h ↓ ATR-Chk1 pathway [199]
EGCG Breast Tamoxifen-resistant MCF-7 Nrf2-RNA transfection, 48 h + 50/100 μM EGCG, 24 h ↓ Nrf2 signaling pathway [202]
Colorectal HCT-116
DLD1 cells
50 μM EGCG +
0–30 μM 5-FU,
24 h
↓ GRP78/
NF-κB/miR-155-5p/MDR1 pathway
Prostate PC3, LAPC4 cells 40 μM EGCG +
5 μM quercetin +
5 nM DOC,
24/48 h
↓ CD44+/CD24 cells, ↓ MRP1,
Lung A549/H460
CDPP resistant cells
80 μM EGCG + 0–30 μM CDPP, 24 h ↓ Axl, Tyro3 [205]
Genistein Breast MCF-7 DOX resistant cells 0–120 μmol/L genistein +
0.7–70 μM DOX, 48 h
↓ HER 2/neu,
↑ apoptosis
PC-3 cells
H460 cells
pre-treatment with
15–30 μmol/L genistein, 24 h
1–2 nM DOC/100 nM/L cisplatin,
48 h
↑ apoptosis,
↓ NF-κB
Daidzein Breast MCF-7/
MDA-MB 231 cells
pre-treatment with 10 μM daidzein,
24 h before administration of 0–10 mM DOX/
↓ MRP1/2,↓BCRP [208]
Resveratrol Breast MCF-7 cells 100 µM RES +
20 nM rapamycin, 24 h
↓ mTOR, ↓ AKT, ↑ autophagy [209]
Breast DOX resistant MCF-7 4–16 µM RES + 4–64 µM DOX, 24 h ↓ P-gp [210]
Breast SK-BR-3, MCF7, MDA-MB-231, T47D cells 15 µM RES +
1 nM DOC
↓ HER2-AKT axis [214]
Lung NCI-H460 cells 0–20 µg/mL RES +
0–10 µg/mL PTX, 24 h
↓ P-gp, MRP2, BCRP [211]
Lung GF resistant NSCLC- PC9 1–20 µM GF +
5–160 µM RES
↑ apoptosis,
↑ senescence
Colorectal HCT 116, HT-29 cells 0.3 µM DOX +
100 µM RES
↓ P-gp, ↑ Bax, cell cycle arrest [212]
Honokiol Breast MCF-7/DOX, MDA-MB-231 200 µL polymeric micelles with
1 mg PTX +
0.5 mg/L HNK, 24/36 h
↓ P-gp, ↑ plasma fluidity [43]
Colorectal HCT-116 cells 0–50 μM HNK +
0–5 Gy γ-radiation, 24/48 h
↑ apoptosis,
↓ cyclin A1, D1
Breast MDA-MB-231, SKBR3 cells 25–50 µM SECO, 25–50 µM ENL,
20 nM DOX,
1 nM DOC,
1000 nM CAB, 72 h
↓ FAS [47]
Schizandrin A Colorectal 5-FU resistant HCT116, SW-480 0–8 µM 5-FU +
0–40 µM SchA,
48 h
↑ mir-195 [48]
Silybin Breast MDA-MB 435 DOX resistant cell line
MCF-7 PTX resistant cell line
200–600 μM silybin +
0–35 μg/mL DOX/250 nM PTX, 24 h
↓ STAT3, ERK, AKT [46]
Gallic acid Lung SCLC H446 cells 2–12 µg/mL
gallic acid +
3.12–50 µg/mL CDPP
↑ apoptosis, MMP disruption
↑ Bax, ↑ APAF1, ↑ p53,
Breast MCF-7/DOX cells
30–120 µM
gallic acid +
5–20 µM EGCG, 24 h
↓ MMP-2/
Lung HCC827, H1650, H1975, H358, H1666 cells TKI resistant 20–100 µM gallic acid +
0.1–5 µM GF, 5 days
↓ Src-STAT3,
↑ apoptosis
Cinnamic acid Lung Chemoresistant H1299-derived stem-like cells 1–32 mM
cinnamic acid;
4 mM
cinnamic acid +
4–32 µM PTX/
4–32 μg/mL CDPP, 24 h
↑ differentiation into CD33 negative cells;
↓chemoresistance to cisplatin and PTX
Caffeic acid/
ferulic acid
Colorectal HCT-8 cells Pre-treatment - 0.5–1 mg/mL BPIS (12 h) before 1000–6000 µM 5-FU,
50–400 µM OX,
25–125 µM VCR
↓ P-gp, MRP1, BCRP [222]
Caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) Breast MDA-MB-231 cells 10–40 µM CAPE, 4.5 days ↓ CD44 cells,
↓ progenitor formation
Breast MDA-MB-231, T47D cells Pretreatment with
(72 h) before irradiation
(2–8 Gy)
↑ DNA damage [224]
Lung A549 cells 10, 50 µM CAPE
10 µM DOX, 24 h
↑ chemosensitivity to DOX,
↓ claudin -2
Ellagic acid Colorectal SW480, Colo 320DM,
HT-29 cells
5–25 µM 5-FU +
2–25 µM
ellagic acid
↑ Bax/Bcl-2 ratio, ↑ caspase-3
↓ mitochondrial potential
Sanguiin-H6 Breast DOX resistant MCF-7 0–313 µM sanguiin-H6,
48 h
↓ ABC transporters [218]
Non-Flavonoid Compounds
Curcumin Colorectal OX-resistant HTOXAR3, LoVOXAR3 DLDOXAR3 5–10 μM curcumin +
10–30 μM OX, –
24 h
↓NF-κB signaling cascade,
Colorectal VCR resistant HCT8/VCR 6.25–100 μM curcumin +
0.5 μg/l VCR,
48 h
↓ P-gp [228]
Colorectal 5-FU and OX resistant HCT-116, SW-620 100 nM CDF ↓ miR-21 [232]
Lung A549-CDPP resistant 20 μg/mL CDDP +
10 μM curcumin, 24 h
↓ autophagy,
↓ Nrf2 activation
Lung A549/DOX cells,
P-gp overexpressing DOX resistant overexpressing
Nanomicelles with
1–30 μg/mL DOX +
(1.6 times concentration of DOX), 72 h
↑ sensitivity to DOX, ↑ cellular uptake [234]
Lung CDPP resistant A549 cells 5–20 μM curcumin +
1.5 μg/mL CDPP
↑ apoptosis,
↓ HIF-1α
Breast Tamoxifen resistant MCF-7/LCC2,
30 μM curcumin, 24 h ↓ mTOR, ↓ EZH2 [236]
Breast MCF-7,
SK-BR-3 cells
10 μM curcumin
6 h before 5-FU
(10 μM)
↓ NF-κB signaling cascade [231]
Breast DOX resistant MCF-7 cells 0–20 mM curcumin +
0–4 mΜ EGCG
↓ Bcl-2,
↓ survivin,
↑ caspase 7, 9
Breast MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-468,
SK-BR-3, MCF-7 cells
30 μM curcumin and/or
1 μM trans retinoic acid,
48 h
↑ sensitivity to retinoic acid
↓ FBAP5, PPARβ/δ
Gingerol Prostate DOC resistant PC3 100 µM
6-gingerol +
100 µM
↓ MRP1, ↓GST [51]
Breast cyclophosphamide, 5-5-FU, DOX resistant MCF-7 50–250 µM
↓ Wnt/β-catenin, ↓ GSK3 [239]

Legend: 5-FU—5-fluorouracil, CDF—difluorinated curcumin, ↓—downregulation, ↑—upregulation, m-TOR—mammalian target of rapamycin, EZH2—enhancer of zeste homolog 2, CDPP—cisplatin, Nrf2—erythroid 2-related factor 2, DOX—doxorubicin (adriamycin), EGCG—epigallocatechingallate, Bcl-2—Bcl-lymphoma 2, Bax—Bcl-2-like protein 4, MRP1/2—multidrugresistance associated protein 1/2, GST—gluthatione-S transferase, GSK3—glycogen synthase kinase 3, AKT—protein kinase B, RES—resveratrol, P-gp—P-glycoprotein (MDR1), PTX—paclitaxel, BCRP—breast cancer resistant protein, GF—gefitinib, HER-2—human epidermal growth factor 2, HNK—honokiol, MMP—mitochondrial membrane potential, APAF1—apoptotic protease activating factor 1, DIABLO—second mitochondria-derived activator of caspases, XIAP—inhibitor of apoptosis protein 3, MMP-2/MMP-9—metalloproteinase, TKI—tyrosine kinase inhibitors (gefitinib), SChA—schizandrin A, SECO—secoisolariciresinol, ENL—enterolactone, DOC—docetaxel, CAB—carboplatin, FAS—fatty acid synthase, CSC—cancer stem cells, OX—oxalipaltin, VCR—vincristine, FBAP5—fatty acid-binding protein 5, PPARβ/δ—peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor β/δ, HIF-1α—hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha, NSCLC—non-small cell lung cancer, EMT—epithelial to mesenchymal transition, CREB -1—element binding protein-1, STAT3—signal transducer and activator of transcription 3, ERK—extracellular-signal regulated kinase, EGFR—epidermal growth factor receptor, CDK—cyclin-dependent kinase, IAP—inhibitors of apoptosis proteins, cFLIPL—regulator of caspase-8 activation, ATR—protein kinase, p-53—cellular tumor antigen, Chk1/2—Check point kinase 1/2, ROS—reactive oxygen species, YB-1—Y-box binding protein, CPT11—irinotecan, PI3K/AKT—phosphoinositide 3-kinase/protein kinase B, JNK—c-Jun N-terminal kinase, GRP78—glucose regulated protein, Axl, Tyro3—receptors for tyrosine kinase, TRAIL—TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand, NA—not applicable, C—catechin, Nf-kb—nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells, IGF-1R—insulin growth factor, EGCG—epigallocatechingallate, Her2/neu—receptor tyrosine-proteinkinase erB-2, XIAP—inhibitor of apoptosis protein 3, Src- proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase, BPIS—bound polyphenols of inner shell from foxtail millet bran, CAPE—caffeic acid phenethyl ester, ABC—ATP-binding cassette transporter proteins.