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. 2020 Jan 15;20(2):490. doi: 10.3390/s20020490
Algorithm 1: TGHM Exploration Algorithm
Input: Laser data X generated by LIDAR; Odometer data O generated by the mobile robot;
1: Initialize the topology node set Tt with the origin position P0: T0 = {P0};
2: Initialize the grid map M according to X and O and the topology map T according to T0;
3: Initialize the candidate target point set C0, the candidate topology node set N0: C0, N0 = ∅;
4: Initialize t as the round number of the exploration: t = 1;
5: repeat
6:   Update Ct with candidate target points generated by geometry rules;
7:   if Ct
8:     Update Nt with filtered candidate target points meet from Ct:Nt = Nt−1 ∪ Ct;
9:     Filter the candidate topology nodes according to Equations (10) and (11):
     Nt = Nt\{Nt}unqualified;
10:   else
11:     Nt = Nt−1;
12:   end if
13:   if Nt ≠ ∅
14:     Choose the node with the highest value from Nt by Equation (9) as the next target point Pt;
15:   else
16:     The exploration finishes: return M and T;
17:   end if
18:   Motivate the robot towards Pt and update M according to Xt and Ot;
19:   Turn Pt into a topology node and update Tt accordingly: Tt = Tt−1 ∪ {Pt}, Nt = Nt\{Pt};
20:   Update the topology map T with Tt;
21:   t = t + 1;
22: until return called
Output: The established map M and the topology map T;