Functional categories of proteins in root-hypocotyl tissue with differential abundance in soybean treated with millimeter-waves irradiation and flooding. Soybean seeds irradiated with millimeter waves were sowed and treated, which is indicated in materials and method. Functional categories of significantly changed proteins (p < 0.05) from unirradiated/irradiated and unflooded/flooded during growth were determined using MapMan bin codes. Abbreviation: mitoETC, mitochondrial electron transport chain. “others*” contains proteins related to gluco-neogenesis/glyoxylate cycle, polyamine metabolism, S-assimilation, biodegradation of xenobiotics, N-metabolism, tetrapyrrole synthesis, C1-metabolism, Co-factor and vitamin metabolism, metal handling, and oxidative pentose phosphate pathway. “others**” contains proteins related to gluco-neogenesis, S-assimilation, transporter, polyamine metabolism, biodegradation of xenobiotics, tetrapyrrole synthesis, Co-factor and vitamin metabolism, oxidative pentose phosphate pathway, C1-metabolism, N-metabolism, metal handling, and fermentation. “not assigned” indicates proteins without ontology or characterized functions.