The pKa prediction of K245 residue over MD trajectories. The pKa prediction was computed over the last 50 ns of simulation and averaged over three replicas (n = 300) for each system: T2Tre2OO-K245+, T2Tre2OO-K2450, T2Tre1CC-K245+, and T2Tre1CC-K2450. The calculation was carried out by considering only the channel and membrane atoms explicitly. K245 total corresponds to the average ± SD of the system protonated and neutral (n = 1200). The pK1/2 value reported by Niemeyer et al. [7] is used as a parameter to compare the pKa of K245 predicted in K245 total for open (T2Tre2OO model) and closed (T2Tre1CC model) states of the fenestrations.