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. 2020 Jan 15;21(2):561. doi: 10.3390/ijms21020561

Table 4.

Comparison of commercially available miRNA extraction kits by various groups.

Extraction Kits Sample Controls Outcome Ref.
  1. mirVana a

  2. miRNeasy b

  3. Norgen c

Plasma cel-miR-39
Highest miRNA yields obtained by mirVana Sourvidou el al. [114]
  1. miRCURY d

  2. miRNeasy

  3. NucleoSpin e

  4. mirVana

  5. Norgen

Plasma cel-miRs-39/54 Comparable miRNA concentrations Tan et al. [116]
  1. mirVana

  2. miRNeasy

Plasma/serum cel-miRs-39/54/238 ~2 times higher RNA yield with miRNeasy Kroh et al. [118]
  1. RNAdvance f

  2. MAgMAX g

  3. miRCURY

  4. Quick-RNA h

  5. DirectZol i

  6. miRNeasy

  7. mirVana

Plasma hsa-miRs-16/150
  1. miRNeasy showed the best performance

  2. MAgMAX failed to amplify miRNAs

Li et al. [119]
  1. NucleoSpin

  2. mirVana

  3. miRNeasy

Serum miR-16-5p Highest miRNA yield obtained by NucleoSpin Vigneron et al. [120]
  1. miRCURY

  2. miRNeasy

Plasma has-miRs-16/150 cel-miR-39 Highest miRNA yield obtained by miRCURY McAlexander et al. [121]

a mirVana (Thermo Fisher Scientific, CA, USA); b miRNeasy plasma/serum (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany); c Norgen miRNA purification kit (Norgen Biotek Corp., Thorold, ON, Canada); d miRCURY-Biofluids (Exiqon, Vedbaek, Denmark); e NucleoSpin miRNA plasma kit (Macherey-Nagel, Hoerdt, France); f RNAdvance (Agencourt Bioscience, Beckman Coulter, Beverly, MA, USA); g MAgMAX (Thermo Fisher Scientific, CA, USA); h Quick-RNA (Zymo Research, Irvine, CA, USA); i DirectZol (Zymo Research, Irvine, CA, USA).