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. 2020 Jan 19;17(2):653. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17020653

Table 1.

The Kappa agreement correlation coefficient for each answer in the general questionnaire (n = 25).

Location of the Trouble Have You at Any Time During the Last 12 Months Had Trouble (Ache, Pain, Discomfort) in? Have You at Any Time During the last 12 Months Been Prevented from Doing Your Normal Work (at Home or Away from Home) Because of the Trouble? Have You Had Trouble at Any Time during the Last 7 Days?
Kappa 95% CI Kappa 95% CI Kappa 95% CI
Neck 0.752 0.434–1.000 0.694 0.384–1.000 0.763 0.519–1.000
Shoulders 1 - 0.651 0.290–1.000 0.615 0.296–0.934
Elbows 0.865 0.608–1.000 1 - 0.627 0.167–1.000
Wrists/hands 0.733 0.542–1.000 0.750 0.422–1.000 0.779 0.359–1.000
Upper Back 0.667 0.368–0.965 0.359 - 0.884 0.662–1.000
Low back 0.818 0.579–1.000 0.595 0.183–1.000 0.746 0.477–1.000
Hips/thighs 0.896 0.698–1.000 0 * - 0.706 0.332–1.000
Knees 0.752 0.434–1.000 0 * - 1 -
Ankles/feet 0.603 0.216–0.990 0 * - 1 -

* Could not be computed because all variables were constant. CI: Confidence interval.