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. 2020 Jan 7;17(2):382. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17020382

Table 4.

Summary and Comparison of Fertility Parameters in Surface Soils (0–30 cm).

Parameters Control Soil Remediated Soil Importance
Parameters very likely related to soil degradation from contamination or remediation technique
Proportion fine to coarse particles (clay + silt):sand 62:38 77:23 May cause compaction, reduced infiltration, reduced root penetration, reduced gas exchange
OM (%) 0.81 0.26 Reduces CEC, CIC, may reduce moisture content and availability of soil nutrients
FC (%) 35.0 30.0 Reduces moisture retention, may cause water stress, wilting
Po (%) 54.1 49.8 May cause compaction, reduced infiltration, reduced root penetration, reduced gas exchange
BD (g cm−3) 11.1 12.3 May cause compaction, reduced infiltration, reduced root penetration, reduced gas exchange
Compaction (MPa) 0.84–1.10 1.32–3.04 Reduces water infiltration, root penetration, free gas exchange (respiration of soil organisms); about two to three times greater in remediated soil
H (%) 22.9 12.5 May cause water stress and wilting; about half as much moisture in remediated soil
Depth of roots (soil profile, cm) 118 3–10 Sign of unfertile conditions for plant growth, possible due to compaction
Presence of insects and spiders (soil profile, cm) 0–118 0–63 Sign of poor conditions, possibly due to poor plant growth (root penetration, primary productivity) and less food available
Parameters very likely not related to soil degradation from contamination or remediation technique
TPH (mg kg−1) 182 969 Low levels, no significant correlation found between TPH and other factors (R2 < 0.7) in remediated soil
pH 7.1–8.0 7.4–8.5 Mildly alkaline but in same range as subsurface of control soil (7.9–8.4); probably not detrimental to soil fertility
WDPT (s) 0.48–0.59 1.26 Levels classified as “null”
Toxicity NA NA No relationship was found between the soil concentration in the bioassay and response of the test organisms (all samples considered non-toxic)

Soil Organic Matter (OM), Field Capacity (FC), Porosity (Po), Bulk Density (BD), Moisture Content (H), Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH), Water Drop Penetration Time (WDPT), not applicable (NA). Note: depth of roots and presence of ants and spiders is presented for the entire soil profile, not just 0–30 cm.