Fig. 5.
The effect of adaptation on the manipulation forces. a Mean signals of the manipulation forces (MF, solid line) applied in the first force channel in the adaptation session, and the load forces (LF, dashed line) from the previous trial, for the three groups of g = − 100 (red), g = 0 (yellow), and g = 100 (blue). Shaded regions represent ±SE. b Manipulation forces for each participant in the first force channel in Adaptation. The signals are presented for each group separately, from left to right: g = − 100, g = 0, and g = 100. c and d are similar to (a) and (b) for the last force channel in the adaptation session. e Adaptation percentage measured by the regression coefficient between the manipulation forces in a force channel trial and the load forces from the preceding trial. Colors are as in (a), and error bars represents ±SE. Shaded gray regions indicate the trials that were used for the statistical analysis. f Mean and ± SE of adaptation percentage in the two stages of Adaptation: Early – 3 first force channel trials in Adaptation, and Late – 3 last force channels in Adaptation. Colors are as in (a), and the dots represents the data from each participant. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001