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. 2020 Jan 22;287(1919):20192705. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2019.2705

Figure 4.

Figure 4.

(a) Mean body length and (b) the ratio of thorax width : head capsule width for each treatment from the time of hatching (0 h) to 28 h. All larvae were provided 10 prey larvae during the duration of the experiment. Each data point represents the mean value (±s.e.), with the numbers above (conventional) or below (axenic) each data point representing the number of larvae that were destructively sampled to measure body size for each treatment group. A total of 18 newly hatched larvae were measured at 0 h (prior to the addition of axenic or conventional prey). Separate ANOVA analyses were performed for each time point. Asterisks (*) indicate time points where axenic larvae significantly differed from the conventional treatment (p < 0.05).