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. 2020 Feb 12;15(2):e0228271. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0228271

Table 2. Correlations, means, and standard deviations of the six post-questionnaire items and decision difficulty scale, Study 2.

Item Mean SD 1 2 3 4 5 6
1. You have survived the incident 3.42 1.46
2. You are the same person as before the incident. 2.02 1.62 .39***
3. You are person A/B after the incident. (Max) 3.52 1.23 .33*** .04
4. You are person A/B after the incident. (Min) 1.18 1.04 –.11** –.10** –.06
5. You do not exist after the incident. 1.73 1.55 –.57*** –.36*** –.21*** .21***
6. You are two people after the incident. 2.19 1.60 –.15*** –.27*** –.06 .35*** .26***
7. Difficulty of decision (1–10) 4.62 2.83 –.13*** –.14*** –.12*** .32*** .22*** .19***

N = 821,

*** p < .001,

** p < .01,

* p < .05.