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. 2020 Feb 12;15(2):e0228851. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0228851

Table 2. Results from the stepwise regression analysis.

For detailed explanation cfr. Matlab documentation for function ‘fitlm’. We considered the following dependent variables. SPECW: specificity of reconstruction (VAFPOST−VAFTD) relative to the weight optimization method, (% VAF). GOODW: goodness of reconstruction (VAFPRE−VAFPOST) relative to the weight optimization method, (% VAF). SPECH: specificity of reconstruction relative to the activation optimization method, (% VAF). GOODH: goodness of reconstruction relative to the activation optimization method, (% VAF). dW: change in muscle synergies vectors of weights after the treatment, (correlation coefficient between pre- and post-treatment synergy weights). dH: change in muscle synergies activation profiles after the treatment, (RMSE between pre- and post-treatment synergy activations). GPSdiff: change in Gait Profile Score after the treatment, (degrees). The independent variables are the following. tr: Treatment administered to the patient, (BOTOX/SEMLS). dT: time between pre- and post-treatment gait analysis, (days). Age: age of the patient at the time of surgery, (years). IMPW: impairment of the patient measured in the pre-treatment condition. (VAFPRE−VAFTD) relative to the weight optimization method, (% VAF). IMPH: impairment of the patient measured in the pre-treatment condition relative to the activation optimization method, (% VAF). SPA: spasticity score measured in the pre-treatment clinical examination. STR: strength score measured in the pre-treatment clinical examination. SEL: selectivity score measured in the pre-treatment clinical examination. GPSpre: Gait Profile Score computed in the pre-treatment gait analysis, (degrees). BOTOX1-5: botulinum injection site. 1-rectus femoris, 2-biceps femoris, 3-medial hamstrings, 4-gastrocnemius, 5-soleus, (yes/no).

model p R2 adj R2 coefficients estimate SE tStat P
SPECH = 1 + Age + IMPH + BOT1 6.5e-14 0.60 0.59 Intercept -11.12 2.87 -3.88 2.4e-04
Age 0.64 0.22 2.94 4.5e-03
IMPH 0.81 0.08 9.67 1.8e-14
BOT1 3.41 1.68 2.04 4.6e-02
GOODH = 1 + Age + STR 5.4e-04 0.19 0.17 Intercept 25.44 4.77 5.33 1.1e-06
Age -0.60 0.22 -2.66 9.7e-03
STR -3.07 1.22 -2.52 1.4e-02
SPECW = 1 + IMPW + BOT1 3.7e-08 0.39 0.37 Intercept -5.15 3.34 -1.54 0.13
IMPW 0.81 0.14 5.91 1.1e-07
BOT1 4.46 1.50 2.98 4.0e-03
GOODW = 1 + BOT1 4.4e-03 0.11 0.10 Intercept 9.75 0.66 14.78 2.3e-23
BOT1 -4.44 1.51 -2.94 4.4e-03
dW = 1 + IMPH + BOT1 1.8e-03 0.16 0.14 Intercept 0.89 5.1e-02 17.23 6.9e-27
IMPH -7.1e-03 2.4e-03 -2.90 5.0e-03
BOT1 -0.11 4.9e-02 -2.15 3.5e-2
dH = 1 + IMPH + BOT1 4.4e-06 0.30 0.30 Intercept 0.13 1.7e-02 7.53 1.3e-10
IMPH 2.7e-03 8.1e-04 3.39 1.2e-3
BOT1 6.6e-02 1.6e-02 4.05 1.3e-4
GPSdiff = 1 + tr + Age + GPSpre 4.2e-14 0.61 0.60 Intercept 2.44 1.55 1.56 0.12
tr 1.63 0.44 3.68 4.5e-04
Age -0.16 7.1e-02 -2.28 2.5e-3
GPSpre -0.47 7.0e-02 -6.75 4.0e-09