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. 2020 Jan 6;128(1):016002. doi: 10.1289/EHP4861

Figure 4.

Figure 4 is a forest plot showing the relative risks (95 percent CI) for the study (country) and the weightage. RE model is as follows: Q equals 13.10; df equals 6; p equals 0.04; I squared equals 54.2 percent.

Forest plot and random effects pooled relative risk of developing breast cancer comparing highest and lowest exposure categories of ambient UVR exposure during lifetime or usual adulthood. Ambient UVR is the strength of the sun at a person’s place of residence. The black squares represent the effect estimates for each study and the whiskers represent the 95% CIs around these estimates for each study. The black diamond represents the summary effect estimate around 95% CI, with the center being the estimate and the ends being the confidence intervals. The vertical line represents a relative risk of 1. Note: CI, confidence interval; RE, random effects; UVR, ultraviolet radiation.