A) Spontaneous inward currents recorded from ISCs in wildtype and
P2ry1 KO mice. Recordings were performed near physiological temperature 32–34°C. (
B) Plots of event frequency, amplitude, and integral (charge transfer). n = 17 ISCs, 17 cochleae from 17 P6-8 wildtype mice and 14 ISCs, 14 cochleae from 9
P2ry1 KO mice (two-tailed Student's t-test with Bonferroni correction; ****p<0.0005, ns, not significant). (
C) Intrinsic optical imaging performed in wildtype and
P2ry1 KO mice. Detected crenations are outlined in colors based on time of occurrence as indicated by the timeline below image. Imaging was performed at room temperature. (
D) Plots of crenation frequency and area in wildtype and
P2ry1 KO mice. n = 8 videos, 8 cochleae from 6 P6-8 wildtype mice and six videos, 6 cochleae from 5
P2ry1 KO mice (two-tailed paired Student's t test with Bonferroni correction; *p<0.05, ns, not significant). (
E) Spontaneous inward currents recorded from an inner supporting cell in
P2ry1 KO mice before and during application of MRS2500 (1 μM) and subsequent broad spectrum purinergic antagonists suramin (100 μM) and PPADS (50 μM). (
F) Plots of event frequency, amplitude, and charge transfer. n = 5 ISCs, 5 cochleae from 4
P2ry1 KO mice (one-way ANOVA; ns, not significant). See
Figure 3—figure supplement 2—source data 1 for plotted values and statistics.