A) Maps showing maximum area of spontaneous Ca
2+ transients in control (
Pax2-Cre;R26-lsl-GCaMP3) and
P2ry1 KO (
Pax2-Cre;R26-lsl-GCaMP3; P2ry1–/–) mice. Ca
2+ transients in the ISC and IHC regions are color-coded based on time of occurrence as indicated in timeline below image. Imaging was performed at room temperature. (
B) Plots of Ca
2+ event frequency and area in control and
P2ry1 KO mice. n = 5 P5+1DIV cochleae from three control mice and 5 P5+1DIV cochleae from 4
P2ry1 KO mice (two-tailed Student's t test with Bonferroni correction, ****p<0.05). (
C) Exemplar images of IHC Ca
2+ transients. ROIs were drawn around every IHC for subsequent analysis (bottom). (
D) Correlation matrices generated by calculating the linear correlation coefficient for all IHC pairs in
P2ry1 KO mice. (
E) Plot of average correlation coefficient among the four nearest neighboring hair cells. Data from MRS2500 experiment (
Figure 4) is reproduced here for comparison. n = 5 cochleae from 3 control and 4
P2ry1 KO mice (two-tailed paired Student's t test with Bonferroni correction; ****p<5e-5). See
Figure 5—figure supplement 1—source data 1 for plotted values and statistics.